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  1. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Chicken Died Suddenly

    I found my chicken Ginger dead this morning. She was curled up on her side half underneath the hanging waterer. Her mouth was dripping with a brown liquid and a string of brownish mucous. She was perfectly fine yesterday. I don’t have any idea what happened. I could’ve sworn that yesterday she...
  2. Gigi_The_Chicken

    RIP Chardonnay

    This morning I walked into the coop to find poor Chardonnay frozen solid. She was in the corner of the coop with her head tucked away, and looked as if she was sleeping. She is in a way, just permanently. It was 30 below zero last night, and she hadn’t been on the roost when I checked them. I...
  3. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Not Urgent: Late Molter Needs To Go Back Outside

    I have one chicken, Gigi, who is molting late. She was doing okay until a few days ago when I saw her crouching on the roost looking awful. She looked skinnier than normal and her crop was empty, so I decided to check on her again in the morning. When I got there she was in a corner crouching...
  4. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Something’s Wrong

    Recently my hen Esperanza’s been acting weird. She’s been a little puffed-up lately, but I haven’t paid any mind until this morning when I saw her standing in the corner of the run with her head tucked into her neck and her eyes closed. She just stood there and didn’t move, so I brought her...
  5. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Large Egg

    This morning, one of my hens layed this monstrosity of and egg:It weighs over 119 grams and is just over three inches long. All of our hens are about one and a half years old. I thought I’d post about this to see if any of y’all had any thoughts
  6. Gigi_The_Chicken


    This morning when I was free ranging my girls, I noticed that Ginger was developing a bit of a bald spot on her rump.Is she molting already? I thought that usually started closer to fall, and does one chicken usually start molting before the others? What do you guys think?
  7. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Loss Of Feathers Due to Mounting

    This is Butters. She has recently acquired several bald spots from being mounted. The funny thing is that we have no roosters. Almost every day, the hen pictured below chases and mounts her. Butters is not mounted by any other hens, and Chardonnay doesn’t mount any other hens. Is this normal?
  8. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Broody Hen?

    This is Nutmeg. She has been laying for less than a year, but we think she’s broody. She’s been sitting in a nest box for two days, but there aren’t any eggs underneath her. We’ve tried to get her out, but she refuses to move. Is she broody?
  9. Gigi_The_Chicken

    How Many Different Breeds Of Chicken Do You Have?

    Some people have all one breed, and some don't have two chickens that are the same breed. How many different breeds do you have? (Edit) Oops! I posted this in the wrong forum. Could someone please remind me how technology works?
  10. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Bloody Hen

    Help! I went out to the henhouse to collect eggs, and I found Nutmeg like thisI don’t know what happened, but it seems that she got in a fight with another chicken. Any advice would be helpful!
  11. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Hen Being Excluded

    Hi! I have this one orpington, Butters, who seems like a runt. She’s eight months old, and she’s the only hen I haven’t seen laying an egg. She’s never been as big as the others, but she was at the top of the pecking order until recently. About a month ago, she stopped roosting with the others...
  12. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Cutest Pet Contest

    Hi! Do you ever think that you have the cutest pet in the world? This is your chance to prove it. Winner gets bragging rights! Rules: Three entries per contestant Every contestant must vote for one entry by liking it Only your photos of your animals Tell us a few things about your entries...
  13. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Gimunga Egg!

    Normal egg:Gimunga egg:Side by side:
  14. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Deformed Egg

    Went to the nest boxes today and found this. I’ve seen many deformed eggs, but none like this one. Does anyone know why something like this would happen?
  15. Gigi_The_Chicken

    A Very Loud Hen

    Went into the coop this morning to check for eggs, as soon as I open the door, Chardonnay screams "BA-KAAK BA-KAAK Buk Buk Buk ... BA-KAAK BA-KAAK Buk Buk Buk". I have no idea why, I've never had a hen be so protective of her eggs. Thoughts?
  16. Gigi_The_Chicken

    RIR is Bloodthirsty!

    Help! Rhode Island Red won’t stop biting my foot! How do I get her to quit?
  17. Gigi_The_Chicken

    A strangely long egg?

    Third egg - strangely long?
  18. Gigi_The_Chicken

    First Egg!

    First Egg!!!!!
  19. Gigi_The_Chicken

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    This is Gigi. I got her in a box of sexed pullets, but she stumps me because she has such a large red comb and wattles, but she’s four months old so I think she would’ve started crowing if she was a cockerel. Advice?
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