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  1. 1

    Rooster Cheek Swollen - Possible Illness

    We have a really old rooster of about 9 to 10 years of age. Yesterday afternoon we noticed his right cheek had become swollen, and he had mucus or other discharge on his beak. At the time someone suggested he may have just been stung by something and he would recover, but it's been over 24 hours...
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    Wondering If Old Metal Waterer Worth Using

    One of the waterers for my chickens broke and the backup isn't doing as well as it normally does. My dad has me trying to clean out an old rusty metal waterer. In the middle of trying, I wondered if it was even worth it considering how much stuff built up, probably from iron in the well water. I...
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    Small But Stubborn Lice Issue

    So I have been treating my family's two flocks for poultry lice for three weeks now. It started as a situation where some of the hens had pale combs, some had lice visibly scurrying around, and most had eggs present around the vent. The next week, eggs were about the same but the combs were...
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    Young Barred Rock Bloody And Poopy Vent Issue - Urgent

    This flock of barred rocks are not yet a year old, but they have reached laying maturity and have been laying for a few weeks now. One of them had a poopy butt which I thought was normal because their was no evidence for vent gleet. Tonight I found a hen shaking underneath the coop's house/roost...
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    Section Of Hen's Comb Missing

    Recently I noticed one of my Buff Orpingtons had a section of her comb seemingly missing. This flock has had weird combs before. One has a really large cockscomb (and is much more assertive than other hens) and another had a curled comb that flopped to one side. However, I hadn't noticed a comb...
  6. 1

    Ascites Help

    We have an old chicken with ascites. We are planning on trying to drain the fluid to give her some more time and make her more comfortable, but we are afraid of botching it and causing her pain or a more unpleasant death. I contacted a local animal sanctuary to see if they could help and I was...
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    3 Year Old Chicken Gone Lame

    A three year old hen of ours has gone lame. She doesn't stand up or walk on two legs, but she can "walk" on her hocks/shanks. Basically she is sitting down and moving her legs forward, kind of like how a person can "walk" on their knees. She also pushes with her wings to do this. However, she...
  8. 1

    Hen Sick- Thinking Ascites/Water Belly

    Okay to keep things brief, I have an old hen (lays rarely) who had a sister we put down to to ascites, and this hen is acting similar. She has the weird pose, isn't moving or walking much, stands up but struggles to, and will only eat wet feed (out of yogurt so I didn't try that). However...
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    Old Hen Not Returning To Coop

    I am having an issue with a hen. We have an flock of birds with one rooster and two hens left. They are old and most have already passed from aging or illnesses like egg yolk peritonitis. The hen in question hasn't been returning to roost in the coop and we think it is simply her going away from...
  10. 1

    Cost-Effective Poultry Lice Treatments

    Three of our chickens (they are an old flock) have poultry lice. I initially wanted to use a chemical like Permethrin, but my family doesn't want to due to it being expensive and they want to avoid chemicals. The only other two ideas in their price range I have are using a...
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    Chicken In Penguin-Like Pose- Need Help With Diagnosis

    Pictures and a video of her below. The hen is three years old. She is still eating and drinking, and she will walk around, but not much. She still grooms her feathers, and I got a photograph of her doing it. She hasn't layed an egg (but her flock in general rarely lays anymore) and she is unable...
  12. 1

    Help With Injury Identification

    One of our old hens is having trouble walking today. Her left leg will stumble and collapse when she tries to walk. I checked her for bumblefoot, but her feet were fine. She used to have a problem with leg mites, but they were taken care of and she recovered. We found her today sitting in a pile...
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    Difficult Hen With Bumblefoot

    This is my first post and the reason I made my account. Basically one of my hens is suffering from bumblefoot that she got while roaming around. My hens aren't used to being picked up since I never had to. They spend their time roaming around a huge yard and tree area so they don't often...
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