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  1. FeatherWeather

    Hen not laying...

    I have a 2 year old white rock who hasn't laid since her molt last fall. I have 3 other girls who are all back to laying after winter break. She seems perfectly healthy. Her comb is dark red. She's eating and drinking fine. She's pecking around the yard with the other girls like normal...I did...
  2. FeatherWeather

    Deworming Question

    Should I deworm my flock yearly? I like to be proactive (I had a sick girl a year ago), but I also don't want to give my girls unnecessary meds...or create super worms 😦 The gang all looks healthy and happy, so no emergency,,,I just have a tendency to overthink things.
  3. FeatherWeather

    Not pooping at night

    My 18 month old girl Snowball is not pooping at night. Last night was the second night. She's always had way less poop than my other girls. I can tell because she sleeps on a different roost by herself. I checked her crop before bed but she is hard to handle so I couldn't palpate fully but I...
  4. FeatherWeather

    Can I water glass unwashed eggs that have been refrigerated?

    For some reason it popped into my head today that it might be a problem. I can't seem to find anything with an online search. I read one thread on here that said it's OK, But I just want to make sure.
  5. FeatherWeather

    Recovery from impacted/sour crop help. Day 12 of diarrhea...

    My girl Feather is recovering from what I determined was a worm infestation. She ended up with what I assume was an impacted crop/digestive tract that turned into sour crop. She had blasting water diarrhea (which clued me in that something was wrong) and when I treated her for worms, it looked...
  6. FeatherWeather

    Should I use stool softener at this point??

    I have been treating my girl Feather for 3 days now. She has had a ton of water coming out with only a little bit of poop pieces. Her crop was hard so I've been doing coconut oil massage. Her crop became squishy and her water poop was so sour smelling that I started treating her for sour crop...
  7. FeatherWeather

    When should I introduce food with Sour Crop??

    Feather has had clear diarrhea for several days. I felt her crop yesterday morning and it was hard. I isolated her and massaged her crop and shortly after it just felt squishy. I massaged her crop throughout the day after giving her coconut oil I didn't give her any food during this time. Side...
  8. FeatherWeather

    Crop Problem...Not sure if it's Sour or Impacted??

    I have a 10 month old Blue Australorp who has been having extremely watery diarrhea overnight. It's been going on for about 6 days now. (I was out of town and my husband didn't know to look for anything amiss). It is literally puddles of water with some small bits of matter in it. I did some...
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