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  1. T

    Bigger nesting box for hen and chicks?

    Chicks started hatching today. So far 6 out of 9 have hatched. Right now they are in a sideways milk crate. The hen takes up majority of the crate. Will I need to provide them a bigger box at some point? Already seems crammed and the obviously the chicks will get bigger. I know they’ll stay...
  2. T

    Reintroducing mother hen and new chicks back to flock

    I separated my broody hen from the main flock and put her in an isolated pen with eggs she’s sitting on. After the chicks hatch, when would be best to put them back with the main flock?
  3. T

    Broody hen and older chicks in same pen?

    I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week...
  4. T

    What’s the best way to deworm your chickens?

    I have 20 hens. What’s the best way to go about administering the dewormer? And what is your go to dewormer?
  5. T

    Can chickens stay hydrated on snow?

    It snowed 10 inches and will remain below freezing for the next couple of days. Will they be able to stay hydrated by eating snow?
  6. T

    How long can chick stay in incubator?

    I’m on day 21 right now. One hatched 24 hours ago. 2 more have hatched since then. All are still in the incubator. There’s a couple of eggs in the incubator with pip holes (one has had a hole with no movement for 14 hours). I guess my question is, how much longer can I leave the hatched chicks...
  7. T

    Does this look like a hawk attack?

    Middle of the day. It looks like it was eaten right where it was attacked. A lot of the insides are gone. Almost decapitated but not completely.
  8. T

    Putting mulch in chicken run

    I am thinking about buying untreated flower bed mulch and putting it in the chicken run. Any cons? I don’t see mulch talked about a ton.
  9. T

    Ever started a business?

    Have you ever started a business from your hobbies or the fun things you like to do in your backyard? Would love to hear people’s stories.
  10. T

    Have you seen roosters fight to the death?

    Is it common? Or do they usually give it up before it gets to that point?
  11. T

    Neighbor’s rooster vs my rooster

    I’ve got a flock that free ranges for most of the day. My neighbor 2 houses down has a flock that also free ranges. Those flocks have always been fine and never got close to each other. This summer my neighbor introduced a rooster to his flock, and the rooster eventually starting coming after...
  12. T

    Does a rooster’s crowing attract predators?

    is crowing like a dinner bell to daytime predators? Dogs, coyotes, bobcats, foxes etc
  13. T

    What potential color chicks will I have?

    I have a rooster whose dad is a black australorp and whose mom is a barred rock. I have a variety of hens: RIR, barred rock, black australorp, white leghorn, buff orpington, golden comet to name most of them Is my only possibility of offspring colors barred and also all black?
  14. T

    Neighbor’s rooster and my flock

    I have a flock of 20 hens…my neighbor has 2 roosters and 6 hens (terrible ratio). Both flocks free range for a good part of the day. The neighbor’s roosters, different one on different days, come over and stay around my hens. I haven’t seen them mount yet but I’m sure they’re working up to it...
  15. T

    Sunflower Harvesting

    Anyone harvest their sunflower seeds? My mammoth sunflowers have bloomed and probably only have a week or so left before the blooms die. How soon do I have to harvest the seeds? Any good resources to help me in the process? Would like to harvest as a good snack for the chickens
  16. T

    11 week old pullets or cockerels?

    Hoping these 2 are pullets…
  17. T

    9 week old pullet or cockerel?

    The speckled bird with the arrow pointing to it. I know it’s not the best pic.
  18. T

    Woody breast theories?

    So often the chicken breast I buy from the store has woody breast. I can’t stand the texture and crunch of it. Any ideas on what causes it? Is it ever seen in backyard meat birds?
  19. T

    Composting black walnut?

    I randomly stumbled upon an article today that says black walnut leaves, twigs, and roots should not be composted for use in vegetables gardens. Well, just so happens that the compost pile I started this past winter is directly under a black walnut tree. Thoughts? 😆
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