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  1. Friendthechicken

    Meet & Greet Day!

    Big girls getting eyes on the little ones for the first time today
  2. Friendthechicken

    Breed choices: what should I get??

    Hi all! These are my options for new chicks this year. I am trying to ONLY get 4 to add to my backyard 10. I would love to diversify my egg colors. Which should I get?? Thanks! EASTER EGGERS CHICK RHODE ISLAND RED CHICK COPPER ROCK MARANS CHICK BLUE GEM CHICK BUFF ORPINGTON CHICK AQUILA CHICK...
  3. Friendthechicken

    Belly molt?

    Not an emergency so posting here. My lavender Orpington appears to have a bare belly - no other signs of molting on the rest of her or piles of feathers yet. Is it normal for it to start with the belly down feathers? Just curious for any insights! Thank you.
  4. Friendthechicken

    Chicken Manure for Garden

    Hi, I am confused and looking for advice on the best way to use chicken manure to better my four raised beds. I have ten birds. Inside the coop, they have a deep litter of wood shavings that I add to semi-regularly. The run is dirt. I add shavings, leaves, etc occasionally so they don’t dig a...
  5. Friendthechicken

    Curly Toe (Mareks??) Question

    Hi, I have an older gal, not sure exactly but at least 18months, who suddenly started limping two days ago. Actually, I would call it hopping on one foot. She uses a wing to balance and has spent the last two days sorta posted up in one spot, not moving much. I gave her access to food and water...
  6. Friendthechicken

    Limping/Bumblefoot (?) Help

    Hi, I have a 16-20 week old pullet RIR who just started limping. I did an inspection today with an epsom salt bath and some clean up. Attached are some photos. Is this bumblefoot? The one on her toe is a little blurry but looks like a tiny cut. I slathered her in neosporin. She isn’t putting...
  7. Friendthechicken

    Americana Question

    Hi, we have a five-month old TS “Americana” (can’t remember how they spelled it but EE or whatever) who I am suddenly confused about their gender. No eggs or squatting yet. Some reddening of the comb. Also no crowing. She has pretty severe crossbeak but has been gaining weight still and filling...
  8. Friendthechicken

    New Intro

    Thanks for having me! Now a certified chicken lady :) joining as a member after reading all the good info here for a while. I grew up with a small family flock of bantams but just got my own hens last year, starting with three. Chicken math took over this spring, and we have ten in our backyard...
  9. Friendthechicken

    Laying Hiatus following disruption

    Hi everyone! Long time reader, first time poster here. Thank you to all at BYC for the forum and insights. We have three laying hens who are entering their first spring as real layers…supposedly! I got them as fall pullets/young hens and don’t know the breed. In March, between the three of them...
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