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  1. PoppasGrill

    Finally getting rid of some roosters…

    SO found a person that is looking for roosters and swears they aren’t going to eat them, that’s her only stipulation on giving away the roosters. We don’t have the heart to cull them , but we have way too many, and for the sake of our ladies backs we have to do something. That and I’m working...
  2. PoppasGrill

    Frenzy at snack time…

    We went out with about 2 dozen scrambled eggs, and shells crunched up. Of course the Donks gotta see if it’s something they want.
  3. PoppasGrill

    Is there a way to block pop up videos on app?

    When trying to post sometimes these videos will pop up full screen. Even when I close it out and try to start typing again, they pop back open
  4. PoppasGrill

    5 broody hens and a new Momma!!

    We’ve posted a while back about our bantam going broody, she’s dedicated to brooding but wasn’t staying on the same eggs ( she was swapping nest boxes). Went out and found another hen pecking the older eggs and had killed the half formed chicks. Our plan was to move Crowella to a store coop , so...
  5. PoppasGrill

    How do you deal with the heat for the ladies..?

    We are in Central Florida and the temps have been up into the 90’s with heat index of over 100*. The girls , in the past few years, have always found shade spots on the side of coops, in coops, behind barn , or under the shed and we have lost a couple to the heat. We have industrial fans set up...
  6. PoppasGrill

    Failed integration, so far…

    We have 26 chicks, 8+ weeks old , that have been in “Look-don’t touch” for 2.5-3 weeks. Tried letting them get yard time last weekend with poor results. First thing was the Roosters, started pecking at several of them, and one even tried to mount a chick. We were on hand to stop this ...
  7. PoppasGrill

    Our bantam went broody, but our Polish Rooster is setting on eggs..

    Found it odd when our Barred Rock bantam, Crowella, went broody on full size eggs. Cute the way she spread out to try and cover 9 eggs. We were worried about her not getting down to eat, since she is tiny anyway, but went out for afternoon feeding and she was down eating. Took advantage of her...
  8. PoppasGrill

    Mud/ Dirt around coop, how do you deal with it..

    Mostly it is the outside of coop and barn gates, turns into a nasty , poop smelling mess after it rains that we have to walk through to get to the coops and barn. Tried blocking off sections and laying a pallet of sod, but between the chickens flying over to scratch the new turf and the donkeys...
  9. PoppasGrill

    Chicken tunneling….

    Like a scene from Hogan’s Hero’s, our chicks ,7 weeks, started scratching at the ground at the side of the coop facing the coop that the big girls are in. In a surprisingly short time, with help from the hens on the outside, they had a hole deep enough to almost wiggle through. We took a shovel...
  10. PoppasGrill

    Broody off her eggs..

    How long do you think broody hen can be off her eggs before we should put them in incubator? She has been on this clutch for more than 2 weeks, don’t know if all are fertile, but got off them today and, as of an hour ago, has not got back on them. So, a few hours so far.
  11. PoppasGrill

    Hidden nest…

    We’ve been noticing a drop in eggs for the past 2-3 weeks, and have 11 tweens that should be starting to lay. Found a Brahma Lite hen in a cabinet under an old unused stainless sink. Evidently she crawled in through the back where the pipes enter, and she must not have been the only one. She’s...
  12. PoppasGrill

    Aggressive Tom

    We have 3 Toms, raised from chicks with some bantam chickens. Recently one of them has started sneak attacks from behind on me, they’ve always puffed up and thumped circling us, but have never been aggressive. If we walk over to them and pet them , they will put the feathers down until they get...
  13. PoppasGrill

    Learning to share…

    We have 10 outside cats, no, not feral , neglected cats, they stay outside, and all are fixed. When we went to feed them the other day, we noticed a couple hens had jumped the fence and were hanging out in the garage. Cats aren’t aggressive towards them, and even found a few eggs in the cat...
  14. PoppasGrill

    Hen has gotten super food agressive…

    One of our hens, RIR, has gotten real food agressive in the past 3-4 weeks. To the point of when when enter the coop at feeding time she will fly up on us and try to get into the bucket. When we put food down in the trough she attacks it like she hasn’t eaten in days. She hasn’t gotten skinny...
  15. PoppasGrill

    Anyone know how to run off an armadillo?

    Haven’t noticed that it has tried to get into coops or nesting boxes, but the friggin’ holes all over the pasture are getting bad. I’m pretty sure they eat grubs and worms, so not concerned overly much about the flock, just want to get the nocturnal jerk to find a different pasture.
  16. PoppasGrill

    Youngish Cemani brooding, not eating…

    One of our Cemani hens , she’s less than a year old, has started brooding, over a week on the nest, but have yet to see her out of the nest to eat or drink. We’ve tried putting feed / mash on the lip of the nesting box, but when we went back in the afternoon it wasn’t touched. We don’t want to...
  17. PoppasGrill

    If I get rid of several roosters, will their little harems attach to another rooster?

    We have posted before about wanting to get rid of several roosters, without culling, and the bachelor coop that was planned is still a while off. We have talked to a few people that are willing to take a couple of roosters to add to their flock. This question came to mind today, how will it...
  18. PoppasGrill

    Need to get rid of a dog…

    Last year we found a puppy on the road , somebody had hit it and drove off. There were 6 others running off into the woods, so I assume some asshat abandoned a litter. We picked up the injured pup and took it to EV , they had to amputate a rear leg, and kept it for a week for observation . Then...
  19. PoppasGrill

    Chickens stopped going in coop…

    For some reason our leghorns stopped going in their normal coop at night. They are roughly 2 years old and have been in the same coop the whole time. About 2 weeks ago we went to shut the coops up and there were 4 of the 7 on top of a store bought coop we use for chicks, no chicks in it at the...
  20. PoppasGrill

    Finally got 2 more Cemani hens to companion with our scared girl

    We got 8 Cemani chicks about 6 months ago, turned out to be 6 cockerels and 2 pullets. Well 1 of the girls got got by a bobcat through the fencing, killed her but couldn’t get her out. So for about 4 months we’ve had the one pullet and 6 cockerels , we separated 5 of the boys to another coop...
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