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  1. KimbosKluckers

    Will baking soda be ok around chickens?

    I like to use baking soda periodically in my pig yard which the chicks have access to, if they eat it is that ok?
  2. KimbosKluckers

    Potting soil to play in?

    Is it ok to give plain organic potting soil to “play” in? Their run is all mulch with a tiny box of sand that they can barely fit into now. But they are let into the yard for most of the day where they like to dig holes and play in the dirt. They will be locked into their run for a few days at a...
  3. KimbosKluckers

    Oops, 17% protein feed?

    I recently bought our first bag of all flock since the chicks were running out of crumbles. TSC had 2 brands to choose from so I just picked one, they were both 17% protein , Nutrena or Dumor-I bought Dumor. Now I’m realizing 20% is the recommended norm? Should I get something different next...
  4. KimbosKluckers

    Need more food, should it be crumbles again?

    My chicks are 10 weeks old and I have about 5-6 days worth of their crumbles left. When it’s time I plan to feed all flock and oyster shells. Obviously they’re not laying yet. Should I buy all flock now or another bag of crumbles? Thanks!
  5. KimbosKluckers

    Oops, I bought chopped straw.

    I’ve been using pine shavings since the brooder and now a few weeks in the coop…ran out so I thought I’d give straw a try. Nope, nope. Maybe because it says “chopped” straw? It’s awful and powdery and gets in every nook and cranny (even mine 😬) So I’ll probably change the bedding everyday just...
  6. KimbosKluckers

    Grit mixed with oyster shell?

    Is it ok to have one container with grit and oyster shell mixed? Or must it be separate? 6 pullets, 9 weeks old. Thanks!
  7. KimbosKluckers

    Help! Swallowed fabric

    I just noticed her running with a long fabric string and she swallowed it before I could catch her. Pics below of more I found. This was fringe on a blanket that my pig destroyed, I tried finding all the pieces But I’m sure there’s more to be found. Now I think the “worm” I saw them eating...
  8. KimbosKluckers

    A pig and his chicks 🐷🐥

    This is our mini pig, Rufus. He will be 11 soon and loves every living creature. We’ve been introducing the chicks to him through a fence or brooder since they were 3 days old. We are now doing supervised contact visits and all seems to be going well. They tend to chase his tail 😂
  9. KimbosKluckers

    Chicken discipline? 😂

    My 7 week old gals are quite the peckers! Sometimes it even hurts a bit. Right now I wear boots and jeans but I’m terrified when it’s warm enough to wear shorts 😩 What does everyone else do? Just armor up?
  10. KimbosKluckers

    Toys and enrichment?

    We have sandboxes and roost bars. This seems boring to me. Does anyone use parrot toys or any other fun things? They like to pick at my jewelry and buttons on my pants 😂 One even stole a nail I was holding (I got it back) so I’m thinking shiny things would be a hit. They don’t look at the mirror...
  11. KimbosKluckers

    Officially in coop full time

    Just an update on the chicks…they’re almost 7 weeks now and have been in the coop full time for 4 days. I think they’re loving it. Though I still have to make sure they all go inside at night sometimes. A bit worried as tonight will be 33°, it’s been in the low forties lately 😬 Here’s a few...
  12. KimbosKluckers

    Help with chick poo. 💩 Gross photos

    My chicks are 5 1/2 weeks. For the past few days I’ve notice these watery poops, I do not know which bird it is or if more than one. No one has a dirty bottom and all are acting normal. There are 4 birds I’ve seen for sure poop normally. Should I be concerned and how to fix this? They only eat...
  13. KimbosKluckers

    First time outside!! 🌞 🐥

    It’s nearly 60° and they are 5 weeks old today. Thoroughly enjoying the outdoors. Temporary scrap wood for ramps/roosts, cardboard boxes for sand…still putting final touches on the coop and run. It’ll be sad putting them back in the shed later.
  14. KimbosKluckers

    Getting impatient..

    Having play dates in the shed whilst pooping on everything 😂 WooHoo. Cannot wait for weather to warm up, these gals need out bad. 🐓❤️
  15. KimbosKluckers

    Chicks first boiled egg

    They totally enjoyed the deviled egg. They preferred the white not the yolk so much. I wish I would’ve recoded a bit longer as the frenzy was hilarious! Chasing each other, stealing from other’s mouths, squawking 😂🥰
  16. KimbosKluckers

    4 weeks old, can I remove supplemental heat?

    6, 4 week old (and a couple days) chicks have been in a brooder in my shed. I need to acclimate them to outside but the weather is usually nasty. If it’s not snowing then it’s very windy. Highs are upper 50’s and lows are mid 30’s. Now they’ve been in a heated shed set to 50F but they also have...
  17. KimbosKluckers

    Gonna need a bigger box…

    They’re outgrowing their dust box 😂 So funny watching them get all dirty and pushing each other around. One month old today❤️
  18. KimbosKluckers

    Modify these roosts?

    I think I need to modify these roost bars because I’d like to arrange a poop board under them if at all possible. The coop is 5x4 and 6’ tall. As is, that’s almost 14’ roost room. Below is a pic from online. Not shown on the right are the nest boxes so the bars go over them at the last foot...
  19. KimbosKluckers

    Venting modifications

    I’m modifying our new coop ventilation (it’s a pre fab) I have something similar to this attic vent laying around (pic below) so I plan to use it and then add 2 more vents somewhere. My question is, should I buy more of these since they can prevent wind and snow/rain from entering? Or is it a...
  20. KimbosKluckers

    Prevent jumping a 4’ fence?

    Hi. The chickens will have their own predator “proof” run but it is inside a yard with a 4’ fence. On nice days when I’m home to supervise I’d like to let them out in this yard. Rhode Island reds and barred rocks, I assume they can easily fly over that? Are my only options going to be totally...
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