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  1. crunchygranola

    My hen isn’t opening her one eye

    This morning when I let my chickens out of their run, I noticed one of my most active chickens, Babygirl, stayed behind in a corner of her coop. I opened it up and started talking to her, when she started squeaking helplessly and looked at me— one of her eyes wasn’t open. She seemed very scared...
  2. crunchygranola

    Thoughts on this plan?

    Hey, guys. I currently have six chickens, and I was planning to cull five of them. I wanted to keep the one that was most like a pet to me, but add in other chickens for variety. I was thinking about raising baby chickens for six weeks until they’re old enough to go outside, and then cull the...
  3. crunchygranola

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    I love my chickens and they’re pretty friendly, but I was just curious on what your guys’s experience with friendly chickens were. What breeds have you found to be the most sweet and friendly?
  4. crunchygranola

    How do your chickens show affection to you?

    Just curious on how your guys’s chickens show affection to you (if at all). I have SGEs and they are very friendly with me and love attention and to perch on me.
  5. crunchygranola

    Do any of your chickens have certain types of music they like?

    I like singing or playing music when I’m doing my chicken chores, and one thing I noticed is that they react to certain artists and songs. Some they don’t even bat an eye to, but others, they rush around my phone and get all weird around it. The ones I’ve noticed my chickens doing this to are...
  6. crunchygranola

    How can I make my chickens happier?

    I love my chickens dearly. I have six SGEs right now (Tyrone, Shaniqua, Rashonda, Laquandra, Babygirl (my favorite!), and Tupac), and I really want to make sure they’re at their happiest. I let them free range when I’m off work and outside with them, have some CDs and other enrichment items in...
  7. crunchygranola

    Does anyone else’s SGE have this plumage on the top of their head?

    I have two that have these tufts on the top of their heads. The rest of the flock is the same breed from the same place. Normal or no lol?
  8. crunchygranola

    Is my chicken sick?

    I don’t have the experience yet to discern a perfectly healthy chicken from a slightly lazy one, and I’m worried one of my girls is sick. She tends to stay behind in her coop when I let the rest of her flock out to free range for a while, she has been having weird, yellow, foamy poops, eating...
  9. crunchygranola

    Would starlight green eggers take baby chicks as their own?

    I’m a brand new chicken owner with my first flock of chickies. I bought 6 SGEs from Tractor Supply, and I think they’re thriving well. I am planning on getting a few of them butchered to make room for some more chickens (per my city’s regulations) and I was wondering: if I introduce new baby...
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