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  1. pinksapphire

    New chicks wondering about breed mix

    Had some chicks hatch today and wondering about sexing cream legbar crosses First two hatched out of my cream legbar hens eggs so father must be my French copper Marans rooster can they be sexed? Or does the father have to be the cream to sex at this age? Second is from my Bel
  2. pinksapphire

    Incubation questions

    Glad to hear that was a bit worried by it being so humid for the first few days I will aim to keep it lower from now on until lockdown. Yes the last photo is the one I think is not developing, I bought a few eggs to mix with my own ones and two out of three of that breed seem infertile The...
  3. pinksapphire

    Incubation questions

    I have 14 hen eggs in a Brinsea maxi day 9 and I am looking some guidance regarding humidity and the eggs. Humidity I am following the incubator guide filling half the water tank, I got a cheap hydrometer and have put it in and it is showing 60-70% I have reduced the water a bit since to be...
  4. pinksapphire

    Advice for moving ducklings out of the house

    I have three 11 day old runner ducklings that I am brooding in a box in the house and feel they have outgrown there brooder and need more space to move and explore plus they are messing up their brooder so fast. I have a glass house that I would like to move them out to so they will be sheltered...
  5. pinksapphire

    Duckling low hatch rate with dead ducklings

    I set 15 runner duck eggs in my bransia maxi eco, water was kept topped up and they were tuned three times a day. Two eggs were infertile Five eggs stopped developing around half way through Four baby ducklings successfully hatched on day 28-29 Today day 31 I opened the remaining four eggs to...
  6. pinksapphire

    Hatching ducklings

    Thank you, first time hatching duckling in an incubator but my chicken hatched are usually 80-90% successful so was not expecting this
  7. pinksapphire

    Hatching ducklings

    Have they been shrink wrapped?
  8. pinksapphire

    Hatching ducklings

    I candles them last night and no movement so I switched it off today and cracked the eggs four of them hand perfectly formed ducklings ready to hatch 😢 but they were dead I don’t know what went wrong
  9. pinksapphire

    Hatching ducklings

    I am hatching runner ducks in an incubator, one hatched day 28 and three day 29, it is now the end of day 30 and there is no sign of the other six hatching, i candled on day 24 and they were definitely all developing and movement in most, how many more days should I wait to see if they hatch and...
  10. pinksapphire

    Using an automatic door opener with geese and ducks

    I got a chicken guard with the self locking door, the geese and ducks actually fit through it fine. They started off going in themselves before it closed but now don't and wait outside the coop at night for me to open the bigger door to let them in.
  11. pinksapphire

    What gender are these two?

    Thanks for all that very helpful info. I think it was a BCM hen with CL cockrelle, I have both so can’t be sure. I am leaning more towards thinking male but still finding it hard to tell for sure. Here are some better photos of them
  12. pinksapphire

    What gender are these two?

    Th Thanks she is one of my older hens in the front of the photo it was the two two barred ones I was wondering about 🙂
  13. pinksapphire

    What gender are these two?

    Seven months old French copper marran x cream legbar. Any idea if they are hens or rooster? Thanks in advance
  14. pinksapphire

    Is it safe to feed gosling cut grass?

    I created the lawns 13 years ago and never used any chemicals, my garden is 100% organic, I would be cutting short grass so would be fine clippings, what do you think ok then?
  15. pinksapphire

    Is it safe to feed gosling cut grass?

    I have a two month old gosling with three runner ducklings, they are living in a pen on grass but I need to move them to a bigger area, it is full of weeds, nettles, dock, plantain ect but very little grass, I can cut grass daily with the lawnmower is this safe to feed?
  16. pinksapphire

    Possible sick duckling

    I just wanted to thank you for all your advice, I gave the vitamin b and yeast and within a few days the ducklings was back to normal 🙏
  17. pinksapphire

    Possible sick duckling

    I think maybe you are right as the duckling does seem fine other than not wanting to walk too much so maybe weak legs. I have been sprinkling yeast flakes over their food but only for a few days and looking at the flakes they have no info as to the niacin content. I have found in my cupboard a...
  18. pinksapphire

    Possible sick duckling

    Thanks for your response, it is eating and drinking ok but then at other times sitting off by itself. I haven’t seen any bulling going on they are all very gentle with each other.
  19. pinksapphire

    Possible sick duckling

    I have three five week old runner ducklings in with a six week old gosling and for the past couple of days one of the ducklings is sitting off by itself, it seems a bit lethargic and cold. It is eating and drinking. I am going to bring it in and get the heater back out but. Any ideas of what...
  20. pinksapphire

    Gosling can’t walk

    Photos of the gosling
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