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  1. artsyrobin

    American Serama and Marek's disease!

    Have you checked for worms in case thats the issue? Yes you can, there is ancedotal evidence that it minimizes tumors. I did that with my flock and any incoming no matter the age. My oldest mareks positive was a 16 year old silkie, my losses to mareks dropped significantly. You can get the...
  2. artsyrobin

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Welcome! Its really been slow lately, im in eastern ok, 26 chickens, silkies, seramas, a mix if smaller breeds, what do you have?
  3. artsyrobin

    Blood Test for Marek's

    Old post, but dont always assume mareks, get fecals done, check for mites and start vitamins. My flock is positive and i vac any incoming since there is ancedotal evidence that it limits tumor grown. My deaths have dropped considerably. Check here for live testing...
  4. artsyrobin

    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    I feed normal feed to my positive flock, vaccinate your flock, there is evidence it minimizes tumors in adults. My oldest mareks bird passed at 16
  5. artsyrobin

    5 week old chick shaking head constantly

    Check ears for mites or blockages
  6. artsyrobin

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Thanks, does seem to be a challenging breed to find, sure beautiful
  7. artsyrobin

    American Serama and Marek's disease!

    You can send a test out if you think it might be an issue, my flock is mareks positive and i vac incoming birds
  8. artsyrobin

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Hes beautiful!
  9. artsyrobin

    American Serama and Marek's disease!

    Some breeds are more prone, are you having issues?
  10. artsyrobin

    ISO serama eggs

    Anyone have serama eggs available?
  11. artsyrobin

    Too Much Baytril

    I have given denagard to chicks, mg flock, they did ok
  12. artsyrobin

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Looking to get eggs, anyone recommend a breeder?
  13. artsyrobin

    Too Much Baytril

    Can you get denagard and treat the flock? My dose on baytril orally is 0.10 per lb 2x a day 5-7 days
  14. artsyrobin

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hey haven't popped in for awhile either, things going good?
  15. artsyrobin

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Well I wouldn't recommend a metal shed, yes I've never had predators other than snakes, but oklahoma summers make it an oven. So you'd need a way to cool it.
  16. artsyrobin

    Let’s talk meracks

    do you have polyvisol without iron for babies? You can use that
  17. artsyrobin

    Let’s talk meracks

    I would definitely think nutritional. Do you have any nutradrench or poultry cell? 0.50 mg morning and night directly on the beaknor on a treat, see if it helps. I'd also send a fecal to the link I posted.
  18. artsyrobin

    Let’s talk meracks

    What feed are they on?
  19. artsyrobin

    Let’s talk meracks

    People jump to0 fast assuming mateks. A friend had a bird the vet thought mareks, euthanized, necropsy came back as a heavy worm load. No mareks. So I'd put that on a back burner for now.
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