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  1. chickadee007

    Coop for Sale in Southwest Ohio

    Used for 2 years. Purchased from It is the CC-32-R2 model for specifications. Treated fir timber, access door to both sides and rear nesting boxes. 3 internal perches (I removed one). Two sliceable metal trays for easy cleaning. Holds up to 9 hens or 12 bantams (I had a max of 5...
  2. chickadee007

    Coop for sale in Southwest Ohio

    Used for 2 years. Purchased from It is the CC-32-R2 model for specifications. Treated fir timber, access door to both sides and rear nesting boxes. 3 internal perches (I removed one). Two sliceable metal trays for easy cleaning. Holds up to 9 hens or 12 bantams (I had a max of 5...
  3. chickadee007

    yellow foamy poop? what's up?

    This morning she came out to eat some sunflower seeds. Looked like she was straining, or bearing down several times. She would sit and pick through the mulch rather than stand. I thought it might be egg binding. I put her in a bath of warm water, checked her vent but i could feel no egg. I...
  4. chickadee007

    yellow foamy poop? what's up?

    I don't have a chicken vet. She layed a soft shell egg several days ago and hasn't come out of the coop then I've never treated them. I only have 2 girls that free range around my house
  5. chickadee007

    yellow foamy poop? what's up?

    I have a Brahma that hasn't left the coop for 3 days. I just noticed her poop is yellow and foamy. It looks like the lighter stuff is where it has dried. Any idea what is wrong with her?
  6. chickadee007

    is the egg still fertilized?

    I haven't tried to move her. Should I? I opened up the top to the next box and she just stared at me.
  7. chickadee007

    is the egg still fertilized?

    It would have been layed today. I took the egg she layed yesterday, she didn't get broody until yesterday afternoon. I'm new to this but she wouldn't get out of the nesting box and slept their last night so I figured that is what is going on. I came home from work today and she is still in...
  8. chickadee007

    is the egg still fertilized?

    Rooster has been gone (hawk got him) for 12 days. Is the egg my broody hen is sitting on still fertile?
  9. chickadee007

    What got my little white sultan rooster?

    He was around 5-6 lbs, he was my smallest bird. We have coyotes out here wondered if that got him?
  10. chickadee007

    What got my little white sultan rooster?

    I let my 2 hens and 1 rooster free-range all day. I have seen hawks/big birds flying above. Ususally the girls stay close to the house, or hid under things. Sometimes my little rooster (white sultan) runs around out in the open almost teasing the hawks. I just came home to a trail of...
  11. chickadee007

    Is something wrong?

    I grabbed her an ran and put her in a warm tub of water and got the poop off of her bottom. Her vent looks ok, from what I can tell. It's not red, it's just pink and the skin around it is pink. It just looks like a big softball hanging from her as her butt (under her vent). It could just be...
  12. chickadee007

    Is something wrong?

    This is the back end of my brahma lucky. She's a year old and seems fine. She has had poop stuck to her butt for about a month, which weighs down her back end. She's been in the rain all day so her wet feathers are showing more of her skin. She's a big bird so it's hard to tell if her butt...
  13. chickadee007

    What time of day do chickens lay eggs?

    My creamlegbar just played her first eggs in the past few days. I checked yesterday late afternoon (I have been getting one every other day) and there was no egg. I just checked at 10am this morning and there is an egg that was cracked and slightly frozen (it was in the 40's yesterday and 17F...
  14. chickadee007

    My first egg!!! AND When will she lay?

    I got my first egg today!!! Yeewhoo!! I was a little shocked because it came from the younger chicken??? Top left is Miss Kitty, she is 7 months old, and the blue egg has to be from her right? (cream legbar). Bottom left is Lucky, she is a 9 month old Brahma and has yet to lay an egg (I think...
  15. chickadee007

    How cold can chickens handle in this coop?

    Thank you-I can go to sleep now :)
  16. chickadee007

    How cold can chickens handle in this coop?

    Thank you. I'm sitting here stressing over this. I have a thermometer in the coop and I keep watching it drop. It's down to 21 degrees. Any idea when it is too cold? zero degrees maybe?
  17. chickadee007

    How cold can chickens handle in this coop?

    Need some advice. Here's my coop. No ventilation at top so I always keep a window open (4 nesting boxes are in the back). 2 birds (brahma & sultan) sleep in a nesting box in the back (because the roost is slightly higher than the roosting bars inside - now I know why this isn't the best coop)...
  18. chickadee007

    Do I have a sick/ill bird?

    We ended up culling her last night. She was never able to stand back up, could only lift her head. I don't know if it was only from being weak or most likely from the crop. I think it had been impacted for a while. I know this is part of chicken keeping but with her being my first I'm taking...
  19. chickadee007

    Do I have a sick/ill bird?

    In just looked outside & she is laying on the ground. She can't walk. She has a baseball size tumor to the right of her chest that is somewhat squishy. I'm guessing it's an impacted crop. I massaged it & I'm on my way to het dewormer. Not sure what else to do.
  20. chickadee007

    Do I have a sick/ill bird?

    I'm not sure how to tell if she is overweight. She is the same age as the cream legbar but she is definitely bigger. I've not seen any gasping, sneezing, wheezing or runny nose. I've never wormed my flock. Can I mix the Safeguard in with the water? Is it ok to worm all of them if that's...
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