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  1. quackingdom

    How Much do you all feed your chickens?

    Well, it depends on the quality of your pasture and range. Chickens are not grazers; only a relatively small percentage of their diet can actually be grass. My birds are averaging 3.2 oz per bird per day, in general.
  2. quackingdom

    Duck eggs - air cells growing at different rates!

    Yes she does, she'll have a bath a few times throughout incubation and return to her nest with wet feathers. :) I've noticed that my ducks even lose some of their water repellency while they're broody.
  3. quackingdom

    How Much do you all feed your chickens?

    I've read that 1 cup is about 1/3 of a pound of feed.
  4. quackingdom

    How Much do you all feed your chickens?

    For 110 birds (over 30 are chickens; the rest are ducks and geese), I'm currently using 25lb of feed a day. This translates to 3-4 oz per bird. They free range and are fed twice a day.
  5. quackingdom

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    9 (2 Muscovy and 7 out of 7 from the mallard-derived duckies)
  6. quackingdom

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    6 out of 7 Saxony and Khaki Campbell ducks. They are little machines and have been laying nonstop since we got them in September! 1 Muscovy egg. Most of them are molting.
  7. quackingdom

    Thoughts on adding a new Muscovy

    In my experience, they seem to find pecking orders more important. Whenever I've introduced two adult females, they tend to have an argument or fight, and after that they get along fine. Oh yes I'm sure she would! I have one girl who loves going broody and has raised four sets of ducklings and...
  8. quackingdom

    Thoughts on adding a new Muscovy

    Personally, I think I would go with buying another adult Muscovy, or maybe two. If it's just one then the chance of them making friends with each other without much scuffling is high. I don't know your ducky but that's how it usually goes. If it's two, then the new ones will stick together and...
  9. quackingdom


    The cholesterol in eggs does not actually increase your blood cholesterol, at least for most people. They are very high in antioxidants, which can negate the potential harmful effects of cholesterol. Duck eggs are also much more nutrient-dense than chicken eggs and contain much higher levels of...
  10. quackingdom

    Egg Collection vs. Production

    Some of my birds will stop laying in a nest if they see I've stolen all the eggs. Sometimes they find a new nest and continue laying, other times it seems like they just quit laying if I take their eggs. They probably instinctually think something like, "This wasn't a safe nest; I'll try again...
  11. quackingdom

    How many ducks do you have? Who has the most ducks? Do any of y'all have 50, 100, 150? How do you manage them all?

    Sorry for the late response...we typically buy around a thousand pounds of feed at a time (twenty 50-lb bags). That costs around $250. I haven't been keeping good track lately of how fast we go through it but it's something like 20-25 pounds of feed a day.
  12. quackingdom

    How many ducks do you have? Who has the most ducks? Do any of y'all have 50, 100, 150? How do you manage them all?

    Here are some of my mobile pens, but admittedly they all have problems and I wouldn't necessarily recommend anyone to replicate them. Maybe in the future we'll design one I have no problems with. Also, they are not predator-proof at all and so would not work for most people and most...
  13. quackingdom

    How many ducks do you have? Who has the most ducks? Do any of y'all have 50, 100, 150? How do you manage them all?

    I mostly notice an accumulation of feathers in the pond and in a few areas the birds spend the most time in. It doesn't bother me, so I don't do anything about it.
  14. quackingdom

    How many ducks do you have? Who has the most ducks? Do any of y'all have 50, 100, 150? How do you manage them all?

    Well I've got 73 ducks. Mostly Muscovies. Also 37 chickens and 9 geese. Almost all of them have names. :wee How we manage them: we have seven acres, fenced. They free-range within this area for the day. Most of the birds (except for the geese) spend the night in mobile pens.
  15. quackingdom

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    7 eggs today. Also, I got 348 duck eggs total in August! :D
  16. quackingdom

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    10 eggs today. 4 yesterday. Pretty sure someone has a hidden nest I haven't found yet though. I keep hearing a couple ducks squeaking and I don't know where they're laying.
  17. quackingdom

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    I picked 6 today.
  18. quackingdom

    My ducks are going lame

    You can also add powdered niacin to their feed. It does need to be FLUSHING niacin. NOT flush-free, no-flush, or timed-release. Here's one product:
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