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  1. feather16

    Roo picking on older roo

    Sorry I missed the notification, but we have settled into a routine. I’ll come in and open his coop door first, but Wyatt will still wait to get pushed out by Jareth. When he does, I try to have the run door wide open for him to run through. And then he’ll be a free ranging boy all day, and wait...
  2. feather16

    Roo picking on older roo

    Their run is an old horse paddock, it’s gotta be 20x20ft or more. I have 12 in the flock, including the two boys. They aren’t free range, unless I’m home, with the exception of the two girls who regularly fly out of the run for the day haha Okay, you’re right - I’m going to give it a little...
  3. feather16

    Roo picking on older roo

    They’ve been together as long as the polish has been a chick, he’ll be a year old in June. And this has only started last week.. I just feel so bad for my old boy because his heart problem, he can’t run for more than one burst before his comb is purple and drooping. I’m hopeful they’ll work it...
  4. feather16

    Roo picking on older roo

    Hello! Looking for some advice here… I have one rooster who’s 7, he’s been the main rooster with no problems when cockerels have hatched and grown up until they got rehomed. Then enters this little bantam polish, who are supposed to be rather chill birds. Once I knew he was a boy, I didn’t...
  5. feather16

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    No, unfortunately I have no clue whose dog it was. There was some vineyard workers across the street from us both days the dog was present , so I’m thinking it could’ve been theirs?? We have three dogs that are around the chickens all the time, which I think had their guard down.. poor girls.
  6. feather16

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi! Thanks so much for reaching out :frow My little flock is doing okay.. we experienced our first dog attack, lost two girls, but managed to save the third girl who got attacked, thank God. And now I’m trying to manage my old man rooster (only 7, but acting old) who is being chased and...
  7. feather16

    Dog attack - antibiotics?

    Her breast bone felt really pronounced today, so I would say she may have lost a little weight. But there is no puss and the wounds don’t smell bad at all. There’s really good to know that my regimen for her works without antibiotics, thank you for saying that! I offered boiled egg, scrambled...
  8. feather16

    Dog attack - antibiotics?

    In reply to myself, it’s the heat coming from her that has me feeling anxious. And I’m this close to wanting to shove food down her :(
  9. feather16

    Dog attack - antibiotics?

    Hi y’all, on I came home on Sunday to a dog in the yard and feathers everywhere. I was lucky when an hour and a half later my sweet girl just appeared from where she was hiding, with some bite wounds. I rinsed the wound and sprayed generously with vetericyn. She was had good energy and was...
  10. feather16

    Young Chicken Sitting and Walking Stiff

    To kind of piggy back off your post, are your pullets wings a touch droopy as well? My 6yr old hen is acting the same way. She’ll walk fine, but would rather sit on her hocks. But I do notice my girls wings look more relaxed, if that makes sense. I was thinking maybe some sort of vitamin B or...
  11. feather16

    3 wk old Polish sexing

    Absolutely! Have one handsome boy, Bowie and one super sweet girl, Dolly and one with Dolly and mom. They are 11week old bantams
  12. feather16

    7 wk silver laced Wyandotte

    Wonderful, thank you! I was leaning that way due to the comb. But I always question the wattles :thumbsup
  13. feather16

    7 wk silver laced Wyandotte

    Pullet or cockerel 🤪 Because it’s everyone’s favourite game and I like to torture myself by looking at every photo possible online 😁 I got them from Wilco, so who knows the quality but they sure are a little sweetie pie. The comb is non existent, and still black/flesh coloured. Only thing...
  14. feather16

    Rooster off balance

    Hello and I’m so sorry you are experiencing this with your boy 💜 I gave him a tbsp of nutritional yeast on a scrambled egg each morning, I also emptied one vitamin e tablet onto a scrambled egg each night, along with 1/4 b-complex tablet. He regained his balance within about a week of this...
  15. feather16

    Post broody mama hen being bullied

    I’m glad you have peace in the flock again! 😅 gosh it’s so stressful, and I know they need to do a little tussling, but knowing when to step in is tough. I’ll try keeping the turd ones separated when I let the moms out and hopefully that’ll knock them down in the order
  16. feather16

    Post broody mama hen being bullied

    Hi I am piggybacking off this post - how did it turn out for you?? I have two moms in one coop, 6 babies total between the two of them. (5 &4 weeks old) I’ve read that 4 weeks is a good age to start reintroducing to the flock. Well, there has been one hen on the outside that has been pretty...
  17. feather16

    Sexing Silver Laced Wyandottes

    What did they end up being?? I’ve got one little slw that I’m comparing to your cuties. All other ones I’ve found online have the straight comb, but mine has the rosebud like yours
  18. feather16

    3 wk old Polish sexing

    Mama and the first boy she hatched
  19. feather16

    3 wk old Polish sexing

    Not sure if you’re referencing the mama hen in my photo, but she’s a buff Cochin. Which is why this is her second time going broody, and she’s 5.
  20. feather16

    3 wk old Polish sexing

    Does this change things? Eek. 4 weeks old today, still no comb on either babe, but this one has some pink waddle coming in. I forgot to snap a photo of the other chick, but she has no pink waddle 😬
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