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  1. Saaniya

    Hen eating feathers - impacted crop/gizzard

    this is very serious though 😞
  2. Saaniya

    Hen eating feathers - impacted crop/gizzard

    i’ve heard now racing pigeons owner treat crop issue take a papaya blend it to juice and let the patient drink it clears the crop as per many pigeon owners
  3. Saaniya

    Baby chick found upside down

    give her some time like u added food , water and comfortable place to sit she will perk up once she feel good it happens with me once when i find my chick is all wet in his poop and his sibling screaming i clean him off and place him in his box and next day he become all fine she will be...
  4. Saaniya

    Egg with NO shell?

    eggs with no shell it’s calcium deficiency try giving her Cuttlefish bone supplements i recently find out that it help with egg shell my new bird started laying egg i find some spots started cuttlefish supplement and egg come out whole hard shell and perfect shape i also bought some calcium...
  5. Saaniya

    Happy Birthday to a special lady, Isadorable!!

    Happy birthday 🥳
  6. Saaniya

    Pecked bleeding rump will she heal?

    i am so sorry for your loss sometimes the only thing i find relief is when the pain is all over and they cross the rainbow bridge cause pain is more worse with taking each breath hugs to u you did a great job giving her comfort ❤️
  7. Saaniya

    Baby chick found upside down

    keep her warm can u please share photos is she’s peeping like vocalise or all quiet ? i will wait and see how she responds after few hours sometimes they heal on their own once warmth is balanced
  8. Saaniya

    Gurgling Hens

    Hey hi hope u are doing well any sound that come from throat or crop it’s a sign of respiratory infection progressive stage , when my rooster act like gargling i immediately take action first of all if they act all active good not sick then u can try with this Natural Remedy if its not hot...
  9. Saaniya

    What comb/cross is this?

    look cute barred mix
  10. Saaniya

    Anybody wanna share their best mama chicken breeds? Or help with mine?

    i never had hens only roosters but i can give u assurance that Leghorns are best my teetee was a best father he foster many chicks
  11. Saaniya

    Update on my babies!

    I hatch 2 eggs of pigeon they pipe the 19th day and started to come out on the eve unexpectedly they know how to come out :p
  12. Saaniya

    New to chickens.

    I was new to chickens in 2017 BYC and internet makes me an expert lol Practical life with chickens makes u much more knowledgeable then books Welcome In The Family of byc
  13. Saaniya

    Sick chicken and I'm inexperienced, please help?

    her comb is too floppy she is highly dehydrated
  14. Saaniya

    Sick chicken and I'm inexperienced, please help?

    pale comb and face is always dehydrated bird pls take her indoor in comfortable place let her drink some electrolytes first
  15. Saaniya

    Cookie is just dying of old age?

    don’t worry i hope things get better sending you positive vibes
  16. Saaniya

    Not new... but... I'm BACK!!!

    what a coincidence i also log in today after months I miss BYC so much since i lost both of my rooster my visits to byc is very less but now im back in family and welcome back to you too
  17. Saaniya

    Mango Funeral

    i’m so sorry 😞
  18. Saaniya

    First flock owner! Hello from KY.

    awwww congratulations and welcome in the fam jam! 😍🥰😇
  19. Saaniya

    Chickens molting like crazy?

    first or second molt is very heavy my rooster shed his feathers all over my home with so much dust as well just boost their multivitamin for a while
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