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  1. Pine Shavings

    Noisy hen negative reinforcement?

    I live in a residential neighbourhood where some hens are allowed. I have a noisy girl that hasn't laid in a while (couple weeks) that just seems to be so loud all the time, whether I am there or not. All the other hens are noisier when I'm around and quiet when I am not (I can't hear them, when...
  2. Pine Shavings

    1st egg!

    Hahaha well another laid this afternoon! So let the flood gates open 🤣 almost 6 months to the day they were hatched 😎
  3. Pine Shavings

    1st egg!

    I hatched some americauna/Easter Eggers out in September 2021 under a broody hen. Today I got my first egg from the group of 4! The 2 eggs on the right are from my 2 veteran layers. Super eggciting! Now just to find out which of the 4 rookies laid the first egg!
  4. Pine Shavings

    What have I done?

    I hear that if they are vaccinated and you give them medicated feed they cancel each other out and they become susceptible to coccio again
  5. Pine Shavings

    Sudden Death

    Ya I probably should of done more to see signs when i found her, I wasn't in the right headspace when I was handling her. I just hope it is something that was a one off. Really nervous for the night tonight, hoping I don't find more dead chickens in the morning 😬
  6. Pine Shavings

    Sudden Death

    But that was it. No gasping or acting strange. I handle the birds everyday so I would notice any changes
  7. Pine Shavings

    Sudden Death

    I'm not sure, I don't use poisons for this reason. My wife reminded me that about a month ago she was acting kind of weird, was kind of pecking the air at flies but there were no flies because of its February..
  8. Pine Shavings

    Sudden Death

    This morning I found a young Brahma, 6 months old dead. She had blood either around her mouth or eyes, couldnt tell since some bedding had matted to her face. She has been eating and drinking regularly and often, nice weight on her so not like she was wasting away. She was middle of the pecking...
  9. Pine Shavings

    Smashed chick.

    I had a chick that seemed totally dead and limp. The mom stepped on it and sat down. When all the chicks weren't accounted for I found her under mom's foot. I picked the chick up and I thought it was dead for sure, it looked at me then the neck went limp. I warmed it in my hands and it came...
  10. Pine Shavings

    Chicken and duck eggs that ship to Canada

    Found a hatchery guide for Canada, good luck!
  11. Pine Shavings

    Chicken and duck eggs that ship to Canada

    Breezy bird farms I think its called
  12. Pine Shavings

    Chicken and duck eggs that ship to Canada

    I heard there is a good one for ducks in Manitoba, can't recall what it's called though. Guess that isn't much help at all lol
  13. Pine Shavings

    Buff Orpington sexing

    Nice looking birds!
  14. Pine Shavings

    Removing birds from flock

    Yes, to kill. I was thinking the cervical bungee method, my dad always did the broom stick method, but I can't recall how he did it, could you explain it better? I think he rolled the neck over the broomstick...i don't really want to deal with a bunch of blood. Great advice, it is the first time...
  15. Pine Shavings

    Removing birds from flock

    When is the best time to take a bird from a small flock? I mean to cull a bird but still want my flock to trust me. Is it best to take them from the roost at night or when is it best to take a bird from a flock permanently? Also how do you make a bird comfortable before culling to show respect...
  16. Pine Shavings

    Brahma Colour

    Ahhh gotcha! Ya I could only find like light, dark, buff etc. Colours. Blue Partridge, very cool! Thank you!
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