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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Too many things to list. We run a small farm share program so we grow enough food varieties to provide families with 7 different garden items each week.
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello! As I think most everyone else said, we have been busy, and about to enter the really busy season. Inhave a broody hen who will hopefully be giving us 6 new chicks in about a week and a half, and then I have a pregnant goat due at the end of May. Plus all things gardening.
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    Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.

    Update: this morning she does appear to have more energy not 100% back to normal, but her comb and wattles are less scarlet and more normal colored, and her abdomen is less distended, although still a little distention. She's eating and drinking, although she never stopped either. I got her on...
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    Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.

    She has a little more fight in her, she didn't want me to hold her to examine her after I saw this. But she still has all the same symptoms. Maybe in the morning there will be some change.
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    Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.

    I went to check on her before bed and found this. Don't know if she popped it out or threw it up. It's rubbery in texture and has a spot of blood. Any ideas?
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    Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.

    Thank you, I have enrofloxacin on hand so I can try that. I stuck my finger in her vent but didn't feel an egg.
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    Chicken separating itself from rest of flock.

    I have a 4 year old Rhode Islad Red hen who started separating herself from the rest of the flock about a week ago. I examined her but the only thing I noticed was her abdomen seemed distended, but not unlike how it feels before they lay their egg for the day. I checked her in the morning...
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    I do have that. Thank you.
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    Thanks, I will look for those items. I like to use homeopathic as well.
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    I don't have nutri drench, but I can get some. I'll try the raw yolk. Thanks!
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    An update for this afternoon. I put her in cardboard booties overnight and in a separate cardboard box so I could prop her body up since she's pretty much just lies down all the time. I took the booties off and her toes look better, but she doesn't seem to be able to hold her weight on her feet...
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    I haven't seen her eat anything, but she'll drink water if I dip her beak in it. I haven't seen her try to drink on her own though. I have rooster booster in their water. I also gave her a tiny amount of Selenium/vit E paste on day 1.
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    3 day old chick struggling to walk

    I have a 3 day old chick whose feet are giving it some trouble. This chick came out of our incubator. I thought it might be wry neck at first and she has improved a little since I started giving her vitamins. She used to not be able to hold herself up at all. Now she's a little wobbly, but can...
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    Brahma Chicken with diarrhea, laying soft eggs

    Okay, I will still give her the medicine just in case. Thank you so much for your help!
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    Brahma Chicken with diarrhea, laying soft eggs

    Update: The enrofloxacin hasn't arrived yet, and I got some vitamin D, but when I got it home I found the package had been opened and I haven't had a change to exchange it yet. BUT, I have been giving her half a tums for the past couple of days and today she laid a perfect, hard shell egg! And...
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    Brahma Chicken with diarrhea, laying soft eggs

    Thanks. I took @Eggcessive's advice and gave her half a tums yesterday and again this morning. I also ordered enrofloxacin and I think it should arrive today. Her activity level is back to normal. I noticed this morning that there were two soft-shelled eggs in the overnight poo pile, like...
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    Brahma Chicken with diarrhea, laying soft eggs

    Thanks for the info. I've kind of decided I don't really like the cedar shavings. That's what was recommended to me when we got the chicks. I want to switch to sand, but we have two feet of snow so I'm waiting until the pathways are at least all melted and dry before I make the switch. But I did...
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