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  1. BookThief

    Unknown Predator

    Unfortunately, the stray dog population is bad here. Probably dogs with no owners. And if they have an owner, there's no way to tell who they belong to. Most dogs have no collar and are not chipped.
  2. BookThief

    Unknown Predator

    Sorry it's long. If you don't want to read, here's the very short version: 1 chicken dead with no known cause, 1 missing. Some of the live chickens and ducks have saliva on them but no injuries or broken bones. What happened? The full version: Last night, my fiance woke me up at 4:30am and...
  3. BookThief

    Chick missing, another being bullied

    Thay only animals that are around my house are my neighbors cats, and some wild birds. Any wild rodents here are long gone.
  4. BookThief

    Quail eggs stopped developing, what could be wrong?

    Yes, they are corturnix. And that makes complete sense. Thank you for your reply. I actually bought 12, and none developed at all. Figured I did something wrong, so bought another 12 and this happened. About half the eggs of both clutches were blue. I ended up just getting some chicks, rather...
  5. BookThief

    Quail eggs stopped developing, what could be wrong?

    We bought them from someone who regularly sales fertile eggs
  6. BookThief

    Quail eggs stopped developing, what could be wrong?

    My partner and I got 12 quail eggs to hatch, and 6 chicken eggs. Of the quail eggs, all but 1 began to develop, then they all stopped. They haven't been growing for a while, then we realized they had all died. The chicken eggs are still doing perfectly fine, with no issue. We have the chicken...
  7. BookThief

    Chick missing, another being bullied

    Yeah, they are inside my house currently as it's still too cold for them outside. I was wondering if it was a rat too, as I do have pet rats, however, that would involve the chick getting out of its enclosure, and getting into the rat cage, or a rat getting out, killing a chick, and returning to...
  8. BookThief

    Chick missing, another being bullied

    Last year I had a flock of 20, that was unfortunately reduced to 1 when a Coyote found a weak point in the run. The 1 is not living with my mother. My partner and decided to get some more birds this year, and we got 8 chicks, and 2 ducklings. Had them for about 3 weeks now, and one of the...
  9. BookThief

    Los Lunas New Mexico chicken laws?

    I currently live with my mother in another city, about an hour away. My realtor doesn't have any of that info, and I'm buying the property. I know the laws regarding the village directly next to Los Lunas, just not for Los Lunas itself. Thank you though!
  10. BookThief

    Los Lunas New Mexico chicken laws?

    I am planning on moving to Los Lunas New Mexico within 6 months to a year from now. However, I unfortunately cannot seem to find the laws regarding chickens or ducks. Would anyone happen to know any laws/regulations regarding them?
  11. BookThief

    Prey Drive - Natural Canine Instinct

    I completely understand where you are coming from. Like I said, every dog is different, and have varying degrees of prey drive. And there are multiple things that go into a dog's behavior. The dog you mention next door has multiple things going for it that causing it behave the way that it is...
  12. BookThief

    Neighbors Dog is Digging Into My Yard!

    My mom had a problem of her spaniel digging out of the yard. What we ended up doing is burying cinder blocks under the fence, as well as putting cinder blocks on top of the dirt, the more he dug, the more the blocks fell into his hole, and eventually he'd just hit the buried blocks and couldn't...
  13. BookThief

    Prey Drive - Natural Canine Instinct

    Imagine: a neighbor's cat gets into your yard, and kills one of your birds, what do you do? You may warn the neighbor to keep the cat contained. You may set out a trap, or have other means to keep the cat away. But, do you call the cat aggressive? More then likely not. If a fox, coyote, hawk...
  14. BookThief

    When to introduce chicks to hens?

    Thank you!
  15. BookThief

    When to introduce chicks to hens?

    Thank you for your reply. Yeah, I'm not too worried about the ducks, I just want to make sure everyone it safe in the introductions. That's a good idea of having a "safe door." I just may have too look into that. I appreciate it
  16. BookThief

    When to introduce chicks to hens?

    Depends on the sex. I don't plan on keeping drakes as I know they can seriously harm or kill my hens. If they are female, then yes
  17. BookThief

    When to introduce chicks to hens?

    I'm very new to having birds, and I need a little help. I have 2 RIR hens, about 3-4 years old, they where gifted from a friend. I also have 15 chicks and 2 ducklings. 5 of the chicks are 4 weeks old, the rest are 3 weeks. The littles are currently in my garage, and I know it's early, but I want...
  18. BookThief

    What’s my mutt??

    I say Rotti, German Shepherd mix. I don't see any pit at all in him, but he is adorable. But appearances can be deceiving. If you want to know for sure, try Embark DNA test, they are the most accurate (I even got a test kit for my own dog). Either way, he is super cute. Best of luck to you and...
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