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  1. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    There's no baking with those eggs unless you share nicely, Ralphie!
  2. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    That would be great!
  3. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Thank you, Bob! How are things in your part of the world, anyway? Is optimism returning, or is Covid still holding things back? How are your poultry?
  4. Kiwibird

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Hi Ralphie! This is rough news, and I am sorry to read it. No doubt you will continue to impart your excellent information on turkeys and your dubious opinions on ducks, and the former will be valued, as always. However, I do hope there is a way for you to continue to keep some kind of...
  5. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Hi Everyone, It's getting cold outside, so I am back after much gardening and solar cooking in previous months. I have only had three ducklings survive this year. The ducks seem to have lost some of their parenting instincts when they were attacked by dogs almost a year ago. One white spring...
  6. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    I am so glad you have these four still alive! And yes, they are full of cuteness! Thanks for sharing!
  7. Kiwibird

    Kia Ora from New Zealand!

    Thanks Bob, and kia ora Jo! I go through phases of spending time on BYC depending on my workload. I know you'll enjoy your time here, and that you'll learn a lot! Welcome aboard. In terms of my own poultry, I used to keep chickens and now keep ducks. I'm keen to get turkeys one day.
  8. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Good eve-morning to all! @YodaBat, look into spiral mating / clan mating as discussed at I am finding duck eggs at last, and I think some have been hidden for a while, so the baking equivalent of Russian roulette...
  9. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Maybe we can give Russell Crowe and Lorde to the US to thanks them for the pavs? I think I have eaten lolly cake once. Not really a fan:
  10. Kiwibird

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Lovely to read all of your garden news. I planted out some tomatoes and capsicums today. I will give away some of the spare seedlings to friends on the weekend.
  11. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    It's nearly midnight here, so good morning to those in the US, and good evening to @Muscovy Wunda. Just keeping afloat is sometimes enough, @Miss Lydia, but it's nice to know that you're thinking of us, and we're certainly thinking of you! So many ducks, @YodaBat! It is amazing to watch them...
  12. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    I have not made kiwifruit icecream. Apart from eating them peeled and sliced, we tend to eat them in raw fruit salads or on pavlovas: Note that this is a "Kiwi pav". Those Aussies say they invented the pavlova. The...
  13. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Good evening everybody, and especially Bob, greeter extraordinaire on the thread. I am trying to stay awake to see who won the Nobel Peace Prize. Just a few minutes to go. Our lovely Prime Minister has been nominated, but I would be equally excited if some other nominees succeed. Ducks appear...
  14. Kiwibird

    Hi from NZ

    Kia ora, @Mariben! It's always good to have another Kiwi join us. I used to have chickens, but now keep ducks. Glad you are enjoying your chooks :)
  15. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Oh my goodness! I'm sorry he was hurt and glad it wasn't worse! Were you able to get the window fixed today?
  16. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Evening all! Life is busy, spring has sprung, the left side of the road is absolutely the best side to drive on, and @Muscovy Wunda is quite correct in connecting American toilets with not actually leading the world. As you consider anything or everything that ails the US today, I think it would...
  17. Kiwibird

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looks good! Diagonal bracing can prevent the non-hinge side from dragging.
  18. Kiwibird

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I would. Try one first and see how it goes. Interesting. Traditionally, gourds were dried in sand here. I am also trying gourds. I would like my son to try some of the traditional ways of decorating them. This kind of thing...
  19. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    Yes, they are often described as a "keystone species". I think this is the doco I have used with students:
  20. Kiwibird

    The Quack Shack

    They are reintroducing beavers in the UK to reduce flooding, after successful net reductions of flooding in Europe following increases to the beaver population. I guess you have to understand them well to predict where they will build and therefore where flooding will increase and decrease.
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