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  1. Ineke9909

    Ended BYC's 2022 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along!—Creepy Critter Photo Contest

    To who ever thought it was sad, this is a copperhead, venomous. Both my dogs have been bitten by one. Almost killed the little guy
  2. Ineke9909

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-09-22 Pic by JustBabyMargo

    Raise some chicks they said, it’ll be fun they said. When i get the energy, I’ll whoop their butts for getting me into it.
  3. Ineke9909

    Weak legs?

    Turns out it had an injured leg. As it started to get up and walk more it was limping on one leg. Now at a week, it is walking more but still stops to rest. Getting better 😊
  4. Ineke9909

    Weak legs?

    Turns out, it has an injured leg, which appears to be healing. It walks now with a limp on the right side, still rests his legs at times by sitting. But he is eating, gave him egg yolks for the vitamin B2, and he is doing his best to keep up with the other chicks, and is growing.nSo, we will...
  5. Ineke9909

    Weak legs?

    Ok, thanks for the info.
  6. Ineke9909

    Weak legs?

    They do have electrolytes in their water, is that the same? If not I’ll definitely go out tomorrow to get it. And i will put out the raw yolk in the morning
  7. Ineke9909

    Weak legs?

    One of my little chicks seems to be walking on his legs instead of his toes, what could that mean? Otherwise its doing fine, eating, drinking etc. It is three days old. i checked the legs, there doesnt seem to be any deformity, just looks like the legs are weak, not standing all the way up...
  8. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    Heard some peeping today. The moms won’t let me see. Area in coop blocked off for them and coop cleaned today, just in time. Im going to set up a spy cam 😉
  9. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    3 eggs left. Tried to candle them on day 14. I could only see a dark area and an air pocket. evidently blue eggs are had to candle and I am not very good at it.
  10. Ineke9909

    Thanks for the follow [ATTACH]

    Thanks for the follow
  11. Ineke9909

    Long molt

    It’s funny, my ameraucaunas are doing the same thing. The Barnevelders aren’t. 🤷‍♀️
  12. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    Well, it seems there is more to this saga 😑 The Ameraucana in the back is the original broody, the Barnevelder in front is a usurper. Perhaps they had a scuffle and broke an egg. They seem to be sharing now. 🙄 Chickens are “ interesting” 😉
  13. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    Since 8/12. Skunks can’t get into the coop. One black snake got in one time, but she kept it off her eggs ( snake has been relocated and a snake trap is installed)
  14. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    Why would an egg explode?
  15. Ineke9909

    Missing eggs

    My broody hen is sitting on five eggs, they are due to hatch on 9/2. Went to check on her today and one egg is missing. There was brownish stuff smeared around and on the other eggs, no smell, no sign of the egg. I put clean straw in there, but I am puzzled. First time having a broody hen.
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