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  1. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    So far I feel like she is maybe looking a LITTLE better with her treatment, but it’s really hard to say. On Wednesday the vet mentioned she thought it was worth trying the meds for a few days and offered to euthanize her Saturday if she wasn’t better. I’m just not sure how to judge what sort of...
  2. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Visited the vet today and she couldn’t find evidence of a stuck egg. She did find coccidia in the stool and noted crop stasis. We got some medication to try to help with these and will try to nurse her back to health for the next couple days and reassess her Saturday to see if what next steps we...
  3. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Yes I was sitting out with her and she has also been expelling just a light yellow liquid. I heard back from our vet who I’d recommending we soak her in warm water and we can drop her off for an exam in the morning. Hopefully she does ok until then
  4. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    She just passed a pretty loose stool but doesn’t look like anything too out of the ordinary? I’m guessing if she passes something related to the obstruction I’ll be able to tell? Good news is she is drinking pretty good
  5. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Will do! Thank you so much for all your help! I really appreciate it!
  6. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Was able to run home from work and get her isolated and she is drinking her electrolyte water. Is there anything else I should be doing for her? She’s right in the garage outside our kitchen door so we can keep a close eye on her. When I got home she was out with the flock but still lethargic...
  7. Doodledoo4

    Sunnyside Rainbow Eggers Thread! *chick pics*

    I am so sorry to hear this!! Any idea what happened? I hope your other girls are doing well!
  8. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Thank you. We will be getting home from work as soon as we can and getting her confined, we have a relative bringing over an old dog crate. Do you recommend leaving her confined in the coop/run area or bringing her into a separate place like the garage?
  9. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Thanks, unfortunately she’s looking a little lethargic again. Doing the sleeping standing up thing 😢
  10. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    The towel method worked and I got the calcium in her. She’s out foraging with the others right now and seems ok. One of us will be home from work this afternoon and will work on setting up a crate for her so we can get a better idea what’s going on. When I looked in the coop “someone” laid an...
  11. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Went in there this morning. Good news is her crop felt normal so hopefully we are only dealing with one issue. The bedding she was laying on was quite wet, looked like some poop and some clear liquid. I tried quite hard to get a calcium pill in her but she as fighting me really hard (maybe a...
  12. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Thank you again! I will try to get her half a pill tomorrow AM and also check on her crop again. I sure hope she is on the mend, she’s a real sweetie!
  13. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Thank you so much for this information, it is so helpful. If she does have a crop issue it is probably sour crop as it’s soft and squishy, but I’m not noticing any smell. I did just go check on her, had a hard time measuring but I’m guessing she is laying or getting ready to. I did smash up a...
  14. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    Thanks. She’s quite docile when I go to move her which made me think she was sick not broody. As well from what I read it would be rare for her to broody so young.But then the way she left the coop and was hanging with the flock for those couple hours made me second guess myself because she...
  15. Doodledoo4

    Issue with crop or is she broody??

    I’m new to chickens. We have 12 hens and a rooster who are nearly 5 months old. Most of the girls have started laying eggs over the last 2 weeks. we noticed one girl who kept sleeping during the day (and the last two nights) under the nest box (where some girls are currently laying eggs-we are...
  16. Doodledoo4

    Sunnyside Rainbow Eggers Thread! *chick pics*

    Any update on how Thyme is doing?
  17. Doodledoo4

    Sunnyside Rainbow Eggers Thread! *chick pics*

    I’m so sorry to hear this! And how difficult to not have any idea what is going on. I hope Thyme makes a speedy recovery and the rest is your girls are healthy. Again, so sorry!
  18. Doodledoo4

    Rooster breed?

    Sunny Side in Wisconsin
  19. Doodledoo4

    Rooster breed?

    We got him from a hatchery. He definitely looked a little different than the barred rock pullets when they were young. We aren’t complaining, he’s a great rooster!
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