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  1. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    General update. We're making discoveries. Adding to protocol to prevent secondary conditions. A number of birds have recovered successfully only to relapse suddenly and pass shortly after. An overall review indicates that they were all placed on Maintenance dosage too soon. We're going to...
  2. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I already picked you up on the page and we'll get you set up on a protocol. It's not too late.
  3. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    Well it's been 10 months since I started this journey. It's become a hell of a thing. After 5 months of reasonable success, a few set backs and several learning experiences, I decided to go real time and start a Facebook page dedicated to Marek's and ALV Positive flocks and get other flock...
  4. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    Check the Baicalin content. Anything less than 14% is too low.
  5. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Vet suspects hen has Marek's disease

    Sounds like she needs some nutritional support. Molting can drain a bird of nutrients.
  6. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I do update fairly often. I have a FB page called Positive About Marek's And Avian Leukosis Virus where myself and 30+ members are currently using the herb and reporting the results on the page. Trying different things and working out what is best. We're supporting new members and walking them...
  7. A

    Review by 'Anonymous' in article 'The cure for Fowl Pox'

    It's good that you tried something and feel it works, but your timeline doesn't reflect anything other than the virus running it's course naturally. It takes about 2 weeks and once infected and recovered, they are immune. However, they are carriers for the duration of their life. Also, the...
  8. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I have a Facebook page 'Positive About Marek's and Avian Leukosis'. I am organizing everything I know and have into guides. Are you on Facebook? I had joined a page, but it turns out that they are judgemental and very closed minded. So now I'm poached 1 Positive flock owner a week and bringing...
  9. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    Let's take a moment to acknowledge that sometimes you can't save her. In reading the various posts, you will see that in some cases I was aware that the hen wasn't likely to make it and often did not. Marek's ravages a birds system and in many cases, the tumors can cause issues that won't...
  10. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I missed your post. Maintenance dose is 200mg to kg of feed. It mates out to around 25mg of Baicalin content per bird. It's being fed in various ways. Added to feed, served in an evening meal of drops.
  11. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I wanted to follow up with you and make sure your squared away with dosage. Check your progress.
  12. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I recently consulted with an Avian Specialist familiar with Marek's and he confirmed that if my pullets have been on Chinese Skullcap since day 1, they can't contract the virus because it has to replicate to infect and it can't. So...I only have one generation of resistance. Not sure how to...
  13. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    Well crap. You're right. The clinical research does indicate Baicalin as a prophylactic inhibits the MRNa and prohibiting infection. I have zero symptomatic birds. Even the ones picking up the respiratory illness going around are recovering quickly with minimal treatment. I didn't think THAT...
  14. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    No. If I were testing for ALV, yes. But my focus is Marek's. Baicalin doesn't kill Marek's, it sends the virus to it's dormant state. An unvaccinated bird infected with Marek's, even in it's dormant state, should test positive. Because of this trial, I need the birds to test positive, but...
  15. Mason Farm and Ranch

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    I don't see the math in that. At all. And I'm going to rest 2, possibly 3. I'm looking for confirmation of infection. I'm asking if anyone has any thoughts on what I might look for in making my selection.
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