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  1. chickndays

    Temporary coop ideas?

    So I have a small group of 6 week chicks and a couple 2 yr hens. Will the younger ones move to layer feed 20 weeks (breeds are Australorp, Rhode Island Red and Wyandottes). As far as temporary housing, is there something simple to put two Dominiques in that will contain them for up to a week...
  2. chickndays

    Yogurt for chicks?

    At what point can chicks start having yogurt and sourdough discard? Do they need grit with these? Chicks are almost 4 weeks.
  3. chickndays

    Safe egg?

    Cracked egg and inside looked normal so I used it. Imperfections seemed only to be on the outside. I did notice the shell was thin though.
  4. chickndays

    Small order hatcheries

    Thanks everyone. I ended up going with McMurray since they were closer and had the breed options I was looking for. Hopefully less risk to chicks to travel a shorter distance .
  5. chickndays

    Safe egg?

    I haven't done either of those yet. I guess I will try to crack it carefully and take a look inside. I had tossed out the previous weird ones, but they were probably fine too. Oh well.
  6. chickndays

    Safe egg?

    the shells seem as strong as ever but I did notice the chickens have decided to dust bathe by their oyster shells and cover them. :rolleyes:
  7. chickndays

    Safe egg?

    Is this egg on the bottom safe to eat? I've noticed eggs like this occurring more lately (must be from one hen) where it's almost vein-y and a little bulkier but still a normal egg shape. Is this a prelude to lash egg? All hens seem normal and all other eggs are normal.
  8. chickndays

    Small order hatcheries

    Hmm. I do have the McMurray catalogue...
  9. chickndays

    Small order hatcheries

    I definitely liked this option. I was pretty excited too when I saw their Australorp/Rhode Island Red cross, which is the two beds we were looking at.
  10. chickndays

    Small order hatcheries

    Are there any reputable hatcheries that will ship 6 chicks and allow you to pick more than a single breed (often seems to be a 5 chicks per breed limit)? Also with reasonable small order fees? Can't have more due to city limit. :hmm I don't want to risk being reported by neighbors or having...
  11. chickndays

    Do Dominiques go broody easily?

    I've noticed a Dominique frequently in the laying box when I collect eggs once a day. Today she was adjusting things around her like the bedding and pulling shed feathers around her. When I collected two eggs under her, she immediately left. (I haven't had to break a broody hen yet) Is this...
  12. chickndays

    Rhode Island Reds and Australorps

    Midwest cold, but not NY extremes.
  13. chickndays

    Rhode Island Reds and Australorps

    Looking at these two breeds (females only) for backyard chickens within city. Are they both generally quiet, good layers and do well in an enclosed space? Would generally love to know any advice about both breeds. Looking for cold-hardy, few health problems, quiet, and efficient layers since we...
  14. chickndays

    Fair price for selling mature birds?

    What would be considered a fair price for selling hens that are about two years old? They've had no health problems so far. Seven total. Barred Rocks and Dominiques.
  15. chickndays

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    It seems I will be. Clearly the problem here is the politicians and not the animals. 😆
  16. chickndays

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Thanks. I searched a bit more and it appears that chickens are classified as undomesticated animals and nuisances. However they do also have "doggies" on the same list so I'm questioning the person who wrote it. Unless this is a farm animal I've never heard of. 🤔 Mini pigs however are perfectly...
  17. chickndays

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Does anyone live in Ralston NE and keep chickens? Doesn't seem to be any official ordinance for the town.
  18. chickndays

    The time is now to allow chickens in Papillion, NE!

    Has Papillion changed their minds on chickens yet??? I can't find anything definitive on it in ordinances.
  19. chickndays

    Favorite chicken breeds?

    I was looking at these. Is it only the roosters that have the bad reputation?
  20. chickndays

    Favorite chicken breeds?

    Midwest. So need more cold hardy.
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