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  1. JoanieShrubs

    Sick pullets - vet nurse says it looks like enteritis - help working out a tri-Sulfa dose?

    Hi, no, i don't see them for two days and they're not willing to help me DIY a medical formula. I'm on my own.
  2. JoanieShrubs

    Sick pullets - vet nurse says it looks like enteritis - help working out a tri-Sulfa dose?

    hi @Eggcessive @azygous and team, I hope you're doing well... all that talking and i still forgot a poop pic 😏 First is a few days ago, the dark stuff is today
  3. JoanieShrubs

    Sick pullets - vet nurse says it looks like enteritis - help working out a tri-Sulfa dose?

    Hi, I need some expert advice on dosing my sick pullets with Tri-sulfa tablets tonight. I only have an emergency stash of tri-Sulfa tablets and I'm not sure how much to give them or how to administer it. The lasses have no respiratory symptoms, normal behavior, they eat and drink (Fine Layer...
  4. JoanieShrubs

    What does poo like this mean ?

    When my chicken’s poop looked like that it was a sign of physical starvation, she had feed but she had a resp infection and wasn’t able to eat it with all the swelling and pain. I put her on baby bird food for concentrated nutrients and had to crop feed her the liquid through a tube for a while...
  5. JoanieShrubs

    No crow collar — what’s your experience?

    That’s right, we have a sleep box in the outside laundry and the young cockerels move into the laundry at night as soon as they are witnessed crowing. The collar is for when the big guy is out free ranging during the day and defending his ladies. He got so skinny though, we had to stop using it :/
  6. JoanieShrubs

    No crow collar — what’s your experience?

    You have to be super vigilant. And don’t buy a cheap brand. They can’t wear it overnight, too dangerous… it works okay in the daytime until they work out how to wiggle it around so the loosest point is in front of their larynx, then their mighty crow is set free. The other issue is, eating is...
  7. JoanieShrubs

    Indio Gigante acting differently

    There are paths forward depending on what the illness is, so it’s a good idea to upload as @casportpony said, so the experts can watch him and weigh in. There’s also a pinned post in the top of the section which explains all the relevant info you’ll need to provide in a new post on your thread...
  8. JoanieShrubs

    Indio Gigante acting differently

    I expected to see a video of normal rooster behaviour calling the girls over to the food and waiting for them to eat, but sorry to say, his affect is very flat and I can hear rales in his breathing which suggests a respiratory infection.
  9. JoanieShrubs

    Fresh fertile eggs look odd :/

    I can’t work out how to take photo while candling with my iphone 😬
  10. JoanieShrubs

    Advice of Blind Chick

    Following because I have a chick with big open staring eyes but the way she follows sounds around I’m beginning to suspect she may also be blind.
  11. JoanieShrubs

    Advice: Neighbor Chicken Invaded My Fenced Run

    Offering to buy her is the kindest thing to do, so that's what I’d do. Chickens get dealt a pretty rough hand in this world, giving even one bird a better life is a contribution.
  12. JoanieShrubs

    Fresh fertile eggs look odd :/

    It’s my first breeding season here in Australia and I’ve been hatching eggs from other breeders, shipped and local. I recently borrowed a Sicilian Buttercup cockerel to put with my three pullets and the breeding pen has been going for a few weeks. The first batch of 12 fertile eggs, well I...
  13. JoanieShrubs

    Meds to stock up with new ban looming

    Get a sulfa antibiotic if you can, I swear by it for treating infectious coryza if that’s the path you choose to take.
  14. JoanieShrubs

    Lowest pullet attacked by hens

    Pics are a bit gory, sorry!
  15. JoanieShrubs

    Lowest pullet attacked by hens

    Hi friends, I have ten chickens living in a large covered run in four prefab coops (with ventilation panels added) so there are 2 or 3 birds in each house and they roost with their closest friends / age group with whom they entered the flock. I’m raising three Sicilian Buttercup pullets who...
  16. JoanieShrubs

    Does this wet eye look like mycoplasma?

    She has recovered beautifully <3 Strong, healthy, laying, and she didn’t pass it on. Thanks to this forum. 🙏 I’m aware of the biosecurity considerations and will keep a closed flock until next spring when i’ll look at all the factors in deciding whether to add any new birds. We have no roo and...
  17. JoanieShrubs

    A hen dying every two weeks

    No advice here, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I lost two from my flock in the last month and one more is sick now and it’s really sad and demoralising. They are such lovely creatures and the loss is hard. Hope you get answers and a treatment path soon :hugs
  18. JoanieShrubs

    Does this wet eye look like mycoplasma?

    We can’t get tylosin in Australia unfortunately. Only tetracycline, sulfa, or we can get metronidazole or enroflaxine on prescription script from a vet (which i can’t do this week)…
  19. JoanieShrubs

    Does this wet eye look like mycoplasma?

    Hi, my one year old Wyandotte laying hen is sick with a respiratory infection. I’m trying to work out how to treat her as another flock member was put to sleep a couple weeks ago, assuming the same pathogen, and that hen didn’t really respond to the two classes of antibiotics we can get OTC here...
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