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    ISA Hen sick?

    Update.. after her losing some feathers around her vent, I sadly discovered maggots all in her vent. I was able to flush them out and let her sit in soapy water. Crossing fingers that was the only time I’d have to do that. I’m not sure how it even happened to her.
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    ISA Hen sick?

    She acts like she wants to eat and even tries but won’t. I tried giving her some greens. She’s mostly just laying down now with her eyes closed. Poop seems to be white with some neon green.
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    ISA Hen sick?

    It feels pretty empty and she feels light. Can she survive a reproductive infection? She mostly stands with her eyes closed.
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    ISA Hen sick?

    I have gotten her to take water and electrolytes through a syringe but she won’t drink on her own. I haven’t been able to get her to eat but will try the scrambled eggs and mush pellets!
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    ISA Hen sick?

    She’s an active layer and from what I can tell hasn’t laid since this started. She’s standing the whole time and her tail is up. I was able to get her into an old dog kennel and she pooped. It does not look normal to me.
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    ISA Hen sick?

    I have an ISA hen who I got in December 2022 with a group of girls and have had them since. Yesterday I noticed one was isolating herself and not coming out of the coop. She has stayed hidden. I haven’t seen her eat or drink and it seems like the other hens are being mean to her. Currently she...
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    What is this?

    It seems to be going down after massaging it. It doesn’t seem painful to her when I touch it. It’s extremely squishy.
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    What is this?

    She doesn’t smell foul at all. She just seems very lethargic. I noticed the other girls being mean to her. I was able to get some water down her slowly with a syringe. She isn’t making much noise either.
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    What is this?

    Here is a better picture of the swollen part.
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    What is this?

    Currently I have her relaxing in the tub with some warm water after cleaning her good.
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    What is this?

    Has anyone ever seen anything like this? My girl isn’t moving around as much and I finally caught her to check this out. Is it an injury or disease? What can I do to help her?
  12. B

    Egg laying

    I switched to layer crumbles with oyster shells in it right before I added the light. It was almost 80 degrees yesterday here, I had to open the coop windows! I only have one hen laying right now, the other is doing her own thing 😂
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    Egg laying

    She’s still laying strong! I am worried about my other who hasn’t started yet. They were the same age, I assume, when I bought them.
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    Egg laying

    My other hen who was in the group that I bought hasn’t started yet. I ended up with 2 roosters and 2 hens.
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    Egg laying

    I am up to 2 eggs now! One a day since she’s started. It seems she’s laying between 11:30am-12:30pm. Not an early layer 😂
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    Egg laying

    Ok, thank you! I checked this morning and she didn’t lay another. Is that normal?
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    Egg laying

    Ok well thank you! Learning something new about chickens every day 😂
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    Egg laying

    Thank you! I have it exactly 18 inches above the coop floor. Maybe 12 inches instead? How long do I have to collect eggs and refrigerate to eat?
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    Egg laying

    No back piece yet. I’m going to add it today. I wasn’t expecting her to lay so soon but I’m not complaining 😂
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    Egg laying

    I’ve noticed her looking for the egg since I’ve moved it.
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