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  1. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    (A Hamburg is a chicken breed) (This is all one joke) Why did the hamburger cross the road? Because a person was holding it. Why did the tomato cross the road? He was trying to ketchup. (Catch up) Why did the ketchup cross the road? To get to the hamburger. Why did the hamburg cross the...
  2. ChickenFeeds

    Bald head

    Do you have a rooster? When roos mate they could pull out a few feathers.
  3. ChickenFeeds


    Whatever it is, I think it’s a cockerel. Breed identification can be hard.
  4. ChickenFeeds

    3month old sapphire gem... is it a boy?

    I don’t think it’s a male. I don’t see any saddle feathers/big tail feathers, the comb and wattles aren’t that big, and there are no spurs. He/she looks pretty hen-ly to me. I’m not that good at this though, so I’m not that sure Welcome to BYC!
  5. ChickenFeeds

    How do you stop goldfish from breeding?

    Sad news. A few days ago, Calico died. (I think it was stress from mating, because this is her first time.) Do you think Stripe needs a friend, or will he be fine alone? Stripe has lived his whole life with one or more fish, so I think being alone would be hard, but he seems to be doing well so far.
  6. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    Why did T-Rex cross the road? He came before the chicken
  7. ChickenFeeds

    How do you stop goldfish from breeding?

    Do you think that Calico’s bump is something that we should be worried about? I think Stripe’s knobs near his eyes are normal; I’ve heard males will develop things like that during mating, but a weird lump like that seems odd, especially since it is jutting right out of her side.
  8. ChickenFeeds

    How do you stop goldfish from breeding?

    We normally do see a few bubbles floating around the pond, but that may just be because we have a small fountain in the pond. Goldfish do self-adjust to the right size for their pond, and since this is our fishes’ first time breeding there might not be many (or any) survivors. Our fish also...
  9. ChickenFeeds

    How do you stop goldfish from breeding?

    Other than them being lonely, we wouldn’t even have a good place to put the one we remove. I just don’t know what we could do.
  10. ChickenFeeds

    How do you stop goldfish from breeding?

    Ok, I know this is a BackyardChickens, but yes, I need help with my goldfish. Our two fish, Calico and Stripe, are breeding (we think). There are no other fish in the pond, but a few months ago, we used to have two koi and one other goldfish in the pond. We noticed that Calico is rounder than...
  11. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    Where does the chicken cross the road? At the cross-bock!
  12. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    A few more: How does a rooster make sure he is on time to crow every morning? He uses an alarm cluck! Who is the smartest chicken around? Albert Egg-stein! How do chickens capture their big moments? By taking a peck-ture! Where do chickens stay while on vacation? At a chick-inn! (These I...
  13. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    But you could turn it into a joke, like this: What do you get from a wicked chicken? Deviled eggs!
  14. ChickenFeeds

    chicken jokes

    Here’s another one: If 100 chickens cross the road, what do you get? A traffic jam
  15. ChickenFeeds

    Ended 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Cutest Couples Photo Contest—Poultry Edition

    Uhhh.. not really. 😂 Unfortunately, Choco does get cold in the winter, and screams when she’s unhappy. 😆
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