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  • Users: rahaf
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  1. rahaf

    limping duck

    that has happened to me with my chickens before and i left them alone and they recovered well from a few days to a week alone but i dont have many ducks so this is probably the first time i see it, altho i do remember my drake limping around when i first got him and i just left him alone and hr...
  2. rahaf

    limping duck

    i couldnt find an egg from her yesterday but she shows no symptom or sign of it at all, and ive seen her poop multiple times after so i dont rlly know, she seems to eat and drink and clean herself like usual she just doesnt seem to want to put weight on one side ill try to give her treats with...
  3. rahaf

    limping duck

    so aa i was changing my flocks water today i noticed my duck like she follows me always but is limping on one of her feet, it seems swollen but i couldnt find any injuries or bumble foot, and in my experiance everytime i try to intervene by catching then and quarantine them they just get worse...
  4. rahaf

    chickens limps but only sometimes

    oh yea i left her alone in my experiance they do best next to their flockmates, she stopped limping too so i wouldve just stressed her out way more by locking her and possibly get worse
  5. rahaf

    are these eggs on my chickens wing feather?

    they dont move at all! and i havent noticed any growth on them at all, i usually just throw away the feather in case its smth i dont want around but i couldnt find anything about it anywhere, and its only on her wing feather too! i guessed maybe it could be she instinctively plucks out feathers...
  6. rahaf

    Our laying ladies suddenly stopped laying

    i really am! had some sad experiances but i quickly realized thats just part of it, and hoping for the best!!
  7. rahaf

    Our laying ladies suddenly stopped laying

    yea im glad i found this out or else i wouldve totally panicked lol, my first year having backyard and im learning a lot!
  8. rahaf

    Our laying ladies suddenly stopped laying

    one of mine also started molting yesterday after a few weeks of not laying too! even tho we r in the middle of summer
  9. rahaf

    are these eggs on my chickens wing feather?

    one of my hens sometimes drops a wing feather and i noticed these things on it, ive treated her with an insecticide multiple times cuz i thought it was maybe that but no parasites i could find anywhere and nor on my other birds, does anyone know what they r?
  10. rahaf

    chickens limps but only sometimes

    thank u sm! who knew chickens r so adaptable lol, im glad limpy is thriving! and yes hopefully she ends up well whatever it could be :)
  11. rahaf

    chickens limps but only sometimes

    ive had this hen limp for about 10 days now, when i was observing them then thr second i took my eyes off her and looked again she was limping, looked for bumblefoot, injuries or swelling all over and couldnt find a thing next day she stopped limping completely with only sometimes standing on...
  12. rahaf

    bumble foot in all my chickens

    i also had my mom keep on telling me it wasnt that serious too and i swear even tho she barely knows anything about chickens shes always right.. like idk how she does it but tbh i should just listen yo her at this point shes never wrong lol and yes thats actually smth the vet told us too he said...
  13. rahaf

    bumble foot in all my chickens

    no literally i panicked so bad with mine and couldnt sleep cuz i didnt know how id deal with all my hens for 2 weeks treatment AND theyre skittish so id have to run after them everyday!! but it rlly was that simple and they wouldnt have needed my help at all lol, like how would huge farms with...
  14. rahaf

    bumble foot in all my chickens

    these look a lot like what my hens had! their foot pad expanded which i guessed its their bodies way of dealing with injuries even after thr kernel falls out itll likely still be there to act as an extra cushion (at least thats what madr sense to me) but from seeing this i dont see redness or...
  15. rahaf

    bumble foot in all my chickens

    so in my case, turned out i didnt even need to intervene at all! if they have a scap but not limping and acting just as normal u shouldnt worry about it, bc the black spot is almost like how our cuts as humans get covered in that black dried stuff yk? so from what i did learn the bumble foot is...
  16. rahaf

    chicken suddenly limping?

    shes not rlly limiting any activity at all rn, runs and digs eats and drinks just as normal, so ill just keep watching her and keep up w the vitamins for a few days thank u sm for replying!
  17. rahaf

    chicken suddenly limping?

    okay so yesterday and today shes back to limping but its super slight.. u wouldnt notice unless u pay a bit of attention, i checked her again and i dont see any injury or swallowing of any sort, her feet and legs look completely normal, i couldnt take a video bc shes kinda on and off with it but...
  18. rahaf

    chicken suddenly limping?

    shes walking just fine today! i think she just hit her foot a bit before bed but shes running and digging just as normal now :) hopefully she doesnt hurt herself again
  19. rahaf

    chicken suddenly limping?

    this just happened by the end of the day and i dont think its been long enough to make a thread asking abt it yet id like to hear if some of u have had this and what u think it might be, one of my hens as i was watching her and the others was walking just fine and literally the next second i...
  20. rahaf

    is calcium pantothenate bad for roosters/drakes?

    oh my god thank u so much for answering!! i dont have to look for another multivitamin now 🙏🏽
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