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  1. M

    Ducks & Goose on the same nest?!

    One of my ducks has been relentlessly broody, so I recently put a few fertilized goose eggs in her nest in the duck coop. Broodiness caught on; now I’ve got two more ducks laying on them, and most recently, my precious goose who laid the eggs! She’s not interested in sitting on her own eggs in...
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    Bringing chicks to a broody hen

    I got rehomed my rooster two weeks ago, and that day one of my hens decided to go broody. Since then, two other hens have joined her. I know at least a few of their eggs are fertilized/growing, but I think the other two ladies joined the brooding party too late for their eggs to be fertilized...
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    Drakes bullying my goose

    I have two drakes that are gentle & friendly to my ducks, but have decided to pick on one of my geese. The goose (Chinese/Greylag mix) is kinda timid and doesn’t realize she can fight back. I always tell her “whoop their asses, Lucy!” but no luck 😂 I think I might have to rehome one of the...
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    Comment by 'MollyHSmith' in article 'Treating bumble foot in ducks:'

    I just wanted to follow up in case anyone is curious or searching for a treatment. I started applying a chlorhexidine spray after soaking her feet in warm Epsom salt water and that has helped sooooo much. The bumblefoot sores have been shrinking and she walks normally with her feet wrapped. It’s...
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    Comment by 'MollyHSmith' in article 'Treating bumble foot in ducks:'

    Oh thank you! I did that this morning. She was itching to be outside with her friends.. this does seem like the most gentle way to keep her separated/safe but not isolated. Thank you!!
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    Comment by 'MollyHSmith' in article 'Treating bumble foot in ducks:'

    Do you have little cushions on her feet beneath the wrap?
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    Comment by 'MollyHSmith' in article 'Treating bumble foot in ducks:'

    Do you separate your bumblefoot duck from the rest of the flock? I’ve done that but I’m already afraid that she’s gonna be so lonely for her friends. I have her in a dog kennel in the house, but I’m not able to be with her constantly.
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    BLW not laying at 9months

    Hi all, I have seven Blue Laced Wyandottes that were hatched around Easter this year (mid-April). One’s a rooster, so six hens. Most of them are pretty dark, but two of the hens have lighter/almost lavender feathers with red lace. Those two, the lighter ones, started laying about a month ago...
  9. M

    Issues with laying in nesting boxes

    My birds are just starting to lay.. hooray! My chickens free range during the day and sleep in their coop at night. I have nesting boxes in their coop with some fake eggs in them, but they seem not to care about those 😂 I found one egg in an empty/unused coop a week ago, but since then they...
  10. M

    SOS— heat exhaustion??

    Well, I have an awful question. I’m out of town and my duck/goose watcher forgot to let my birds out of their coops this morning; another person went to put them back in their coops for bed this evening and saw that they were still in there ☹️ I live in Central Texas and it’s ABSURDLY HOT! My...
  11. M

    Helping a goose and gander bond

    Hi all, I have a goose bonding question. I have a Brown Chinese goose (Lucy) who’s a little over two months old who I’ve raised alongside my ducks. I tried to be really intentional about hand-raising her so that she wouldn’t be afraid of people, but I think she integrated with the duck flock &...
  12. M

    Khaki Campbell sexing

    My Khaki Campbell ducks are starting to get their voices in. So far I can’t tell the difference between a female quack & male noise. I’ve been looking at their beaks and have noticed that some are getting lighter, some darker, some with caramel colored beans, and some dark beans. Does anyone...
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    Rehoming Ducks in New Braunfels, Texas

    Hi all— I have four Khaki Campbell ducklings that need to be rehomed. They’re five weeks old this week, really sweet and they love to forage. Their voices are JUST changing so I’m not sure about sex yet. I’m not looking for any payment for them, just want them to go to a good home. Let me know...
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    Hi all, I’m in New Braunfels and have four Khaki Campbell ducklings I need to rehome. They’re five weeks old today. Their quacks are JUST starting to come in, so I’m not sure about sex yet. Let me know if you’re interested!
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    Muscovy or Buff? Duckling ID!

    Why do you think it isn’t a Muscovy?
  16. M

    Muscovy or Buff? Duckling ID!

    Hi there! I have six ducklings whose voices are JUST starting to change. I’m waiting for those to see who’s male and female. But I’m so curious about one of them (the only NOT khaki Campbell)— it was yellow/white as a duckling, and its feathers are growing in buff. It’s friendlier & braver than...
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