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  1. NewJourney

    Buff Orpington 14 weeks pullet/cockerel?

    Thank you, all. That's wonderful to hear! Yay. We want to have some broody hens so it looks like we should be able to have some now that we have these Orpingtons. I hear they have a tendency to go broody.
  2. NewJourney

    Buff Orpington 14 weeks pullet/cockerel?

    My buff orpington is 14 weeks old. I think it's a pullet because so little comb and wattle development but it has the marks where the spurs will start forming and it has the funny eyebrows that roosters get. I've never seen it this prominent in a pullet before, but I'm new to raising chickens...
  3. NewJourney

    American Bresse - do I race over to buy these??? Quick!

    I just ordered 25 chicks from Chase at The Recreational Homestead. He's in Michigan. He does great work breeding for breed standard and works hard to keep his lines mixed well so that he doesn't bottleneck them too much. He has a YT channel called The Recreational Homestead. I highly recommend...
  4. NewJourney

    Looking to support people! Looking for hatching eggs! (California)

    I'm near Las Vegas, NV. I have barnyard mix (Sapphire Gem x Barred Rock roo) hatching eggs if you're interested. 1 dozen for $32 after USPS Priority shipping. I can send you a link (or post it here, is that allowed?) I've sold hatching eggs through my ebay account if you want to look at my...
  5. NewJourney

    Anyone have experience with Privett?

    I purchased two EE from a local feed store that uses Privett Hatchery. One looks like a nice EE pullet (10 weeks of age now) and the other is a rumpless neurotic, knock-need weirdo that talks a lot but unlike any chicken I've heard before. He used to scream out of nowhere and act as though he...
  6. NewJourney

    Breed identification of day-old ducklings

    No worries! I don't mind updating the thread with more current info. These are the six additional ducklings I had purchased (as day-olds). They are about 8-10 weeks old here (I think). Here is a more recent photo of Maggie. Front and center, my Maggie-girl. She's so beautiful. I'm excited to...
  7. NewJourney

    Breed identification of day-old ducklings

    It's been a while since I had posted this thread. Yes, my girl is a Magpie. Because of her I have since purchased 6 more Magpie ducklings. She's so adorable! I love the photos you took of your magpies. They are too cute! Thank you for sharing <3
  8. NewJourney

    Victimized by tractor supply Hen vs Roo and a ?

    The Andalusian mix guesses are probably correct. I believe it's a Sapphire Gem pullet. We raised 7 Sapphire Gem pullets last year (still in our flock today) and that one reminds me a lot of my girls when they were that age.
  9. NewJourney

    Changed our flock to all 1 variety, for meat AND eggs

    I am looking to buy American Bresse chicks (or at least hatching eggs). @mandelyn do you offer any for sale? If so, where can I click/tap to buy? Thanks!!
  10. NewJourney

    Deathlayer mix cockerel, mixed with what?

    I hatched ebay eggs about 9-10 weeks ago. I recently sold most of them, I kept two. I believed both of these to be pullets. I was wrong. I have one of each. The one in question is the cockerel, though both are unknown breed mixes. The person I purchased the eggs from mentioned having Deathlayers...
  11. NewJourney

    Will a rooster try to mate with pulletts

    I just witnessed my year-old rooster mate with one of our pullets. She’s 11 weeks old. We are worried because he is a barred rock and she’s so small compared to him. We had never seen that behavior toward our pullets until now. We have two other pullets and a cockerel in with our adults.
  12. NewJourney

    Is this duck egg fertilized?

    I don’t know who this was a reply to but I don’t have a drake. I did for a while after I posted this thread then bought a couple of ducklings and raised them up for about 4 weeks then introduced them into the flock but the drake immediately tried to harm the young drake. It appeared as though he...
  13. NewJourney

    I’ve noticed that ALL my Muscovy ducklings begin getting very loud at 16 days old! 🧐

    Thank you. I hadn’t seen those two videos. Excellent examples! My Maggie is definitely not Muscovy. If I lived more rural and had trees and less predators around I would raise some Muscovy. They seem like lovely birds. As it is I’ve got two dogs and my neighbors also have dogs. I think Muscovy...
  14. NewJourney

    I’ve noticed that ALL my Muscovy ducklings begin getting very loud at 16 days old! 🧐

    I have seen many videos discussing Muscovy ducks and ducklings. Some mention that they start to quack then within a few weeks they lose their quack. *shrug*
  15. NewJourney

    I’ve noticed that ALL my Muscovy ducklings begin getting very loud at 16 days old! 🧐

    As someone who raises Muscovy I would like your opinion whether my duckling is Muscovy or not. My ducklings are 5 weeks old. I think the one I call "Maggie" is either Muscovy or Ancona. I think it's a girl but I'm fairly new to raising ducklings. At 5 weks old she is just starting to have a...
  16. NewJourney

    Breed identification of day-old ducklings

    Update... Maggie appears to be a Muscovy duck! We aren't 100% sure yet but here is more information about her: She doesn't get into the water and bathe or swim, though she occasionall steps into the large water bowl but immediately gets out. She doesn't have a "bean" at the tip of her bill. Her...
  17. NewJourney

    I’m stumped! Rooster??

    He's not Barred Rock, could be a mix. We have a neighbor that has what I think is a Dominique or similar (not BR) that hangs out at the fence corner where our yards meet. He crows like half the day at that back corner at our chickens. LOL He looks just like a Dominecker but I don't have any good...
  18. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    As I understand it, Andalusian roosters are bred with Barred Rock hens. Some of those resulting hatchlings go on to be called Sapphire Gem chicks (only about 30% of the total hatched chicks have the right color/genetic expression to be called SG). So, because those chicks are technically about...
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