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  1. L

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    I had been feeding a pellet layer and pellet all flock and the last few weeks it seemed like the chickens had slowed way done on feed consumption, so I needed feed and got a bag of layer pellet and 1 in crumble and now they dig for the crumble and scatter the pellets. It seems they like crumble...
  2. L

    Will Our Chickens be Safe from Raccoons?

    No out in the country.
  3. L

    Will Our Chickens be Safe from Raccoons?

    This morning it was just getting light enough to see the chicken area and I see a big coon running right towards the coop/run and stops for a moment at the gate and then kept going. We have a lot of coon in are area and I see coon prints on the sides of the coop often. I have hardware cloth on...
  4. L

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Worrying about them when we go away for a few days. I have good people to look after them when we go but still worry. I can see the coop and run on a camera/ phone app to see what's going on if we get cell service.
  5. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What are you growing in the tires?
  6. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Took the hoe to the weeds in the carrot rows and gave the corn a side dressing of urea. Garden looks pretty good, hope the storms with hail forecasted for later today are kind to it.
  7. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I know the panic mode. Normally I don't plant until memorial day due to my garden being in the bottom of a kettle, 10 degree difference up by the house to down by the garden. This year its been so warm and the soil temp was right I planted 2 weeks early. Keeping my fingers crossed we stay mild.
  8. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Everything but the peppers looked fine, hope they are not stunted now. Peppers were a little wilted in the morning but perked up by the end of the day.
  9. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looked out the window at the chicken run to see a light layer of frost on the roof :he the garden is right next to it and I didn't cover last night due to the weather person saying we will be 10 degrees warmer than the night before.
  10. L

    7 week old barred rocks?

    The pic with 2 chickens I think are pullets the other not sure.
  11. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Took covers off that I put on incase of frost. No frost 👍 down to 38F.
  12. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Watching the ground dry, over 7" of rain this month. Things are growing good and now chance of frost tonight. :he
  13. L

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Don't always think clipped wing feathers will keep them grounded. About 35 years ago I took my macaw outside (feathers on one wing cut) it was a bit breezy and he caught the wind and flew up in a tree. The next flight he made it about 50 yards into a 2' tall hay field where I caught up with him.
  14. L

    Raccoon, Right? Graphic Pictures

    Large Racoons have no problem killing a turkey, I have caught Racoon close to 35 lbs.
  15. L

    Pullet or cockerel?

    I say pullet from her posture.
  16. L

    What is the predator

    Looks like coon hair to me.
  17. L

    Hen or Roo? Help sexing my four chickens. Pictures at various ages

    Barnevelder and the R. red look like cockerels to me.
  18. L

    What poop is this?

    No clue. :(
  19. L

    bear problems

    Sorry for your loss and destruction, might be time to add a bear skin rug to your home. :D
  20. L

    What's the temperature where you are???

    We are 56F now after 90 yesterday.
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