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    Help for baby bunny with broken leg

    Sorry to hear about your kit, Nathan. Keep the wound clean and monitor for infection. You might need antibiotics or pain relief. For urgent needs, consider a pet prescription without vet services to get the necessary medication without a vet visit. Good luck!
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    Rabbit eye

    It's concerning to see your rabbit's eye like that. It could be an infection or injury. While the warm cloth helps, it's best to consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. In the meantime, keep the area clean and monitor for any changes. Consider exploring pet medication without...
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    if your rabbit shows signs of GI issues, monitor closely. Encourage hydration with water or diluted electrolytes. Offer fresh hay and try syringe-feeding soaked pellets to ensure some nutrition. Seek urgent vet help when available. For more advice, consider checking forums like petgnearme and...
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    What is your favriot food to make with farm fresh eggs/back yard fresh eggs

    I absolutely love whipping up a classic Spanish omelette. It's a delightful blend of eggs, potatoes, onions, and a dash of paprika. Super easy to make, and the result is a fluffy, flavorful dish that never fails to satisfy.
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    DIY question on water distillation;

    I've delved into water distillation too, uncovering misleading info. Noticed biased cons from water filter sellers. Exploring non-English sources, cultural attitudes differ. Now, onto skin clarity – can purified water reverse damage or only maintain?
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    Nesting box ideas?

    One cool nesting box idea is to repurpose an old wooden crate. Add a hinged lid for easy cleaning and a cozy interior with some straw or shredded paper. Paint it in a calming color to blend with the surroundings. Your feathery friends will love it
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    How to cope with dog death.

    I'm truly sorry to hear about Buster's condition. Losing a pet is incredibly tough. Cherish the moments you have left with him, and consider creating a memorial or keepsake to honor his memory.
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    Hi everyone

    Hello and welcome!
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    Compost questions

    Hey there! Welcome to gardening! Brown materials in compost are things like dry leaves and cardboard, while green materials are fresh kitchen scraps. A good mix is essential. No need for worms, but they can help. When your compost looks like dark, crumbly soil, it's ready. Use it as a soil...
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    Best weed killer?

    I had a similar experience with RoundUp. Sometimes, results can vary based on weather and weed type. For quicker results, try glyphosate-based alternatives. Always follow instructions and consider factors like weather conditions for optimal effectiveness.
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    Any Gamers Here?

    I am a gamer. I like to play different games but now I like to play online games like Genshin and League of legends. Personally today I got C2 Raiden Shogun. I am so happy about that!!
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    Guinea pigs!!

    Ahh they are so lovely. My close friend has like 6 pigs and they sound so cute. Like high note of "oink oink". Also they look so funny after grooming. I love them!
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    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yes. I just love to bake something and do it almost everyday. Recently for example I baked simple cupcakes with strawberry jelly inside and cream on it
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    Hey all! (1) I've been in the chicken game for about three years now. (2) Currently overseeing a lively crew of twelve chickens. (3) Mix of Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Orpingtons strutting around. (4) Favorite part? Daily dose of fresh eggs and the amusing chicken antics. (5) Apart...
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