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  1. PimsGarden

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Pinto - 12wk pullet - Spotted Sussex
  2. PimsGarden

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    I'm pretty damn certain it's a pullet, I also have a Spotted Sussex and she is 12wks and looks the same comb wise as yours.
  3. PimsGarden

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Those are thick ass legs, but maybe she doin squats while you're not around 😅
  4. PimsGarden

    What size flock do you have?

    That is more than I need, I'll be giving away/selling eggs to friends and family for sure. 😅 The silkie hen won't produce as much, but the other 4 should produce a lot!
  5. PimsGarden

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Felt like dropping a picture of my Silkie rooster (cockerel actually) in here, he is still only like 10 weeks old but already learning to crow! Not show quality but a pretty bird bike the less, he also has 6 toes on one foot and 4 on the other! His name is Uncle Baby, a Rightous Gemstones...
  6. PimsGarden

    What size flock do you have?

    I have a mixed flock of 6! They are not laying age yet, but they should come July. The rooster just started crowing too. I'd be tempted to have another small flock, but I think this is a good size considering my partner doesn't like eggs that much so I'll have more than I need! 1 White Silkie...
  7. PimsGarden

    Blue Laced Golden Wyandotte?

    Just making sure y'all agree with this being the correct breed, I love her regardless! Purchased her as Blue Laced Golden Wyandotte from a Co-op. About 10wks old now!
  8. PimsGarden

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Still thinking pullet but no idea what breed that is, assuming a hybrid but no idea. Pretty bird so far!
  9. PimsGarden

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    I'm no expert by any means, but after looking at a lot of birds this year trying to get better at sexing I would lean towards pullet. But you know how it goes sometimes, late development and whatnot could change things. In my personal chicks I've noticed a behaviour difference as well, my...
  10. PimsGarden

    Hello from Chicago!

    Just moved from Chicago to East Tennessee so we could have more space for chickens and gardening 😅 Was up there for 8 years, you keep them within the city? That's so crazy, I think I saw chickens once within the city but it was just a few hens.
  11. PimsGarden

    Lavender Orpington Question

    😅 poor girl, at least she will be unique!
  12. PimsGarden

    Lavender Orpington Question

    I understand that but the other chickens I've raised have more of a tail before the final molt, just curious if this is a sign that her tail might come in shredded with new feathers. Again, I don't mind, just a curiosity.
  13. PimsGarden

    Lavender Orpington Question

    Not that I will mind because I love her none the less, but do you think she (Luanne) will ever have a tail or did the shredder gene do it's work and it will more or less look like this when she is full size? She is over 6 weeks old and a great chicken that has paired with our Speckled Sussex...
  14. PimsGarden

    Lavender Orpingtons 12 weeks

    Really nice looking birds! The feathers are great, congrats!
  15. PimsGarden

    Jacin's Fiber Art

    Oh wow that's cool! I have some great wool that I need to figure out how to clean/process and do something with. I work at a museum that preserves the Appalachian heritage so we have sheep shearing events and I grabbed some of the best quality wool from our last event. Thinking maybe felting...
  16. PimsGarden

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I had to stop our rooster at work from eating a mouse, didn't think it was a good idea haha. Also the snail story is awesome. What a journey!
  17. PimsGarden

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    As long as they are not in there long (way too much dirt) and get into real direct sunlight soon, they want 6+ hours of direct sunlight and won't do as well inside. They are full sun garden plants. The longer they live in shade the more they will stretch for sun and also become more susceptible...
  18. PimsGarden

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Actually either will work but putting into dry dirt for several days till the roots start to form is my fav way. Succulents prop best in dry dirt, less room for rot when you propogate dry.
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