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  1. Susan Skylark

    What age quails can live together?

    Personality also matters, some are mean jerks no matter age or sex, just something to keep in mind. I have a runt and a wry neck bird and was splitting up and rearranging 4 week old birds from the same hatch and had one hen that was determined to take them out but does fine with birds her own...
  2. Susan Skylark

    Did cows kill my birds?

    Most bovine viral pathogens don’t affect birds and vice versa, most bacterial pneumonias are stress related (opportunistic bugs already present get out of hand under stressful conditions). While it is theoretically possible the cattle passed something to your birds, a necropsy and lab work up...
  3. Susan Skylark

    Quail Issue Urgent

    Is he being picked on by pen mates? Did he bonk his head? The inability to stand/stay upright could be neurological (brain/nerve problem) or whatever the bird equivalent of an inner ear is (vertigo). The question is is it injury (bashed his head while flushing), infectious (various viral or...
  4. Susan Skylark

    Blue (Blau) and underlying pattern determination?

    Anybody know how to tell the underlying base pattern in a Blau (blue) bird? Thieving otter farms has a couple pictures of some gorgeous blues and I'm using that as a guide on my two mystery chicks, please let me know if I'm wrong! The two top pictures are the same bird, same day, just...
  5. Susan Skylark

    Can you tell the sex of my 20 day old Coturnix quail chicks by these feathers?

    My first hatch of 5 birds I had 3 wild type and 2 pied wing white (can't feather sex) and all the brown ones were female at week 3. Then strangely they all became male at week 4! Watch out for those baby spots! The white one that started crowing at 3 weeks was obviously male, but it was a...
  6. Susan Skylark


    Genetics, nutrition, and sometimes just the statistics of raising anything (a certain percentage of neonates are born with or die from a genetic or developmental abnormality and you can't do anything to prevent or fix it). If it is greater than 10% of the batch affected, nutrition or genetics...
  7. Susan Skylark

    Interesting Chick Colors

    I’ve been impatiently playing the guess that color game with a batch of 20, now three weeks old, it is fun but also interesting to see how off (or on) your guesses are! I still have one bird I don’t have a clue on but everybody else has figured out their final colors (now it is just determining...
  8. Susan Skylark

    Roux and Silver?

    Not sure on this guy either. Am leaning homozygous silver (some sources say they can be a bit creamy in color) and he's definitely small/slower growing than the clutch mates. Otherwise heterozygous silver over Italian? Some sort of silver plus roux? I can't find much on the interactions of...
  9. Susan Skylark

    Pansy or Italian?

    Any final verdicts on these three? They are gorgeous birds (mostly beige with heavy black barring and a little white on each feather). I'm guessing the two top birds are male (chestnut neck ring/possible face mask while the breast is clearing of baby spots, only 2.5 weeks old though) while the...
  10. Susan Skylark

    Should I get Coturnix Quail

    Gray partridge and ring necked pheasant are now resident breeders in many parts of the US, but I think coturnix only lives feral in Hawaii(?), I wonder why they haven’t established themselves somewhere? Maybe we’ve bred broodiness out of them and they never successfully hatch or raise chicks...
  11. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    The hardest part about bird anesthesia (and rabbits) is their metabolism: they need much higher doses on injectable meds and they work for a much shorter period of time. The hard part is keeping them asleep! This should be a fairly quick procedure, much easier than a mammal amputation (no soft...
  12. Susan Skylark

    Chlamydia or psittacosis?

    I am well aware of zoonotic potential and that I have not had this submitted to a laboratory for confirmation, another factor to consider is that mycoplasma is very resistant to many antibiotics or is so small traditional antibiotics don’t work against it. It is notoriously difficult to treat...
  13. Susan Skylark

    Chlamydia or psittacosis?

    Bilateral conjunctivitis, both eyes are red/inflamed, teary, didn’t want to open them. Was depressed and off by herself. 24 hours on tetracycline conjunctivitis is improving, opens both eyes, interested in food and company this morning (which is a problem as she has only 4 now very amorphous...
  14. Susan Skylark

    Found hen on the floor, can’t stand, keeps twisting/moving neck back/around, help :(

    Seizure? Acute head or spinal trauma? Neurological infection? Toxin? Keep her in a dark, confined quiet spot. Watch other birds for any issues (suggestive of contagious or toxic cause). If it is just her more likely injury or seizure. A short, passing seizure is scary but not necessarily...
  15. Susan Skylark

    Broken leg?

    Keep it splinted, minimize movement and hopefully in a couple weeks she’s good as new (calves are three weeks to heal, I would assume chicks are as quick or quicker!)
  16. Susan Skylark

    Feeding quail, thoughts and opinions?

    The nearest one with layer feed was 150 miles away, they wanted 11.99 to ship to store or to my house, I’d still have to drive 90 miles to get to the nearest store so obviously if I had needed the shipped feed I’d just get it shipped there. I also talked to the feed guy at another local chain...
  17. Susan Skylark

    Raccoon got into the duck house, need help

    The chances of a raccoon spreading a disease to your eggs or ducklings via surface contact are minimal, hope they hatch!
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