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    If we think she isn't going to get better and it's some type of laying internally or ascites, is it better to keep her separated in the crate where she doesn't seem super comfortable, or just keep her with the flock until her time comes? I don't want her to be stressed, and just want to do what...
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    We have 10 hens so it's really hard to tell if she's been laying or not, however about a month ago I did find two rubber eggs that one of them had laid off the roost. She hasn't touched the eggs or the water, but did poop, and the prolapse appears to be staying in. Her vent is pulsing though...
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    I have an almost one-year-old hen who has always had vent problems. It's been swollen on and off and we're constantly cleaning the poop away, giving her baths..etc. Today I went to the chicken coop and she didn't come out to free range with the others. I noticed it looked like her vent had...
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