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  1. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    I'm still reeling from this anecdote RC. Porridge. Who'd have thunk it.
  2. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    You need more Christmas photo runs in the car to even the score.
  3. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Janet loved it too! And Mary. Peggy was doing all her drives before I was confident enough to let a hen out of her basket for the drive home.
  4. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    This prevailing attitude would definitely lead an exotic species vet looking to work with chickens to set up elsewhere!
  5. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    It really is Bob!
  6. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    What's the surrounding population? Is it upwards of a million in 50km radius?
  7. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Christa can almost reach the pink flowers... She needs to climb just a little higher.
  8. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    I've noticed how much the hens enjoy a car ride. They're almost like dogs!
  9. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    She definitely enjoyed her salad 😀 I hope her food starts to pass through as solids soon. Her poops were still mostly water, so her gut was still inflamed yesterday morning. But she'd only had one day of chelation and she was prescribed five days, so it had not had time to work yet. I've had...
  10. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Here's the video of Katie checking to see if there was any extra salmon.
  11. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Katie enjoyed her salad and has enough sass back that she wouldn't let me touch her 😂 🤣 She's been transferred from her big box into a big room. You can just make out her IV tube on the threshold. And here's a close up of her IV dressing. One lonely little piece of salmon had been...
  12. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Now I'll be on my way because I must deliver a tiny tasty salad to a very sick little hen 🥰 unfortunately Christa declined a ride in the cat box, so there are no visitors from the flock today.
  13. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Wow!! What a great anecdote. We had a very brief word about crop surgery if necessary. But she has to be a lot stronger first. With all the opportunity for chats about Katie, I can ask about it.
  14. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    The new vet is extremely good at taking care of the human's emotional needs! I'm getting two update phone calls daily. Dr Marika is the vet caring for Katie at present because it's Dr Jing's weekend off. She said Katie is drinking loads and eating with gusto but her digestive system is still on...
  15. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    I was just reflecting on my experiences with chicken health and veterinary practice. It always goes like this I notice symptoms and make a guess based on reading and an appointment. At the appointment, my guess is proven wrong. This always happens. I thought Katie was egg bound, then I was...
  16. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    That is not OK! Staggeringly unprofessional.
  17. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    Oh thank you Grammy. That's very kind. By the way, is Bob's bathroom all finished now?
  18. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    There was a black area suspected of being a little piece of zinc. And lots of grains of sand and grit lit up in her crop and lower gut when they should be passing through with the poop. It's all causing irritation and gas. But there were no discernable pieces of hardware like screws or nails or...
  19. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    I've picked out one of her baby photos to share. It's from her quail phase 🥰
  20. MaryJanet

    MJ's little flock

    It makes sense that if her digestive system was almost in stasis, no wonder she had a pile up of spirochaetes. I assume in a normal digestive system, the bacteria would move on through and out the other end.
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