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  1. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I used to see those in the winter, up in Connecticut.
  2. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    When I switched from sunflower to safflower seeds the starlings and grackles emptied the feeder...on the ground. I think they were looking for the good stuff. I don't see them anymore. The cardinals, finches, and titmice love safflower seeds.
  3. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    My cheap feeder finally bit the dust, bottom broke off. Oh well. I have another Droll Yankee tube feeder stored away, and a new plastic tube as well. Now...where did I put those...? :confused:
  4. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    We used to see those in Connecticut. I've never seen a Painted bunting, but I did see a male Western tanager once, about 50 years ago. It was a stray/accidental, and beautiful. (photo from the internet)
  5. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I've seen an Indigo bunting, but don't have a photo, it flew away before I could get a shot.
  6. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    When we lived in Connecticut a flock would invariably arrive at our feeders January 1. My mother kept a journal and it happened often on New Year's day. They'd strip the feeders and then move on. Gorgeous birds. (internet photo)
  7. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Never seen one of those, I am too far east. In my childhood we used to see Rose-breasted and Evening grosbeaks in New England. A few years ago I had Rose-breasted grosbeaks stop at my feeders here in NC, on their way somewhere. It was very exciting!
  8. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The YR aka Myrtle warblers often hang around during the winter here. I offer suet cakes and peanuts in my feeders as well as sunflower and safflower seeds, lots of choices!
  9. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    In China the government decided that sparrows were eating too much grain, and killed millions. Then the insects that the sparrows had been eating ate the grain. People starved to death.
  10. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I have black oil sunflower seeds in the small bird tube feeders, but safflower in the "house" feeder so it's not a target for blackbirds, grackles, and starlings. I also have a peanut feeder that the woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees enjoy visiting.
  11. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The only live woodcock I saw was briefly when I was leaving work one day. A landscaper was using a leaf blower and startled the woodcock. It flew into a window, and didn't survive. :hit The feathers were so beautiful and soft. I buried it.
  12. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Looks like a juvenile Sparrow hawk:
  13. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    :hmm I put up a fence around my feeders to help protect the wild birds from predators... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: (that's Alice, a semi-feral who appreciates the cat food I provide)
  14. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I've seen them for sale at the local farmers' market.
  15. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    We hear them but I have only seen a Pileated at home a couple times, years ago.
  16. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I have too! When I was a teen we moved into a house with 2 acres of woods behind it. I hung bird feeders on the back deck and enjoyed a closer look at the woodland birds that came to eat. I recall once we had extended family visit with us, and we all sat out on the deck. Then the chickadees...
  17. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    One day earlier this month I let the peanut and suet feeders run out. I was outside with my seed/feed tote intending to fill them, but got distracted. A Red-bellied woodpecker went over to the feeders, saw they were empty, and drummed on the pole, ha! I was about 15' feet away at the time, and...
  18. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    It's been my experience that Blue jay populations rise and fall with acorn availability. Some years they've brought their fledglings to my feeders, but not in a few years. I've been hearing them a lot recently, maybe they're nesting nearby again?
  19. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    We usually get a couple inches of snow, annually. Not even one snow flake this winter.
  20. fuzzi

    Feeding Wild Birds

    This afternoon while I was in the yard I heard a crow screeching, looked up, and saw it chasing and attacking a smallish hawk with light underparts. The hawk had something in its talons but it didn't look like a bird. Maybe the hawk was just too close to the crow's nest. And then a turkey...
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