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  1. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Location of poster is not nearly as important as you seem to believe, you come across invasive and stalkerish.
  2. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    It is. Letters, emails etc. I expect it. After 10 posts, however....
  3. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    You don't need to sign all your posts, your user name and picture are *right there*. We know all we need to know *right there*.
  4. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Oh poo. I'll have to give up on my dreams of chest hair. Atleast until after menopause....
  5. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    I don't have the money for a hospital trip for botulism.
  6. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Or spend the night camped out in your bathroom.
  7. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    You're a pinched cheeked, micromanging butt head. How on God's green earth did you make District Manager?!
  8. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    'I know this is old but what happened to this chicken?'
  9. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Tolkien in Heaven watching yet another subaru/jeep/motor home owner slap a 'Not all who wander are lost' bumper sticker on their vehicles:
  10. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    I'm so sorry, I realize that was rude of me to respond like that. :oops:
  11. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    It's bizarre isn't it?! I'd place bets it's written by ai. It's legible but not logical.
  12. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Cause we all KNOW that country worms get plenty of fresh air, sunshine and do an honest days work in the fields. They even eat their Wheaties. While city worms spend their days in Halls of Vice, playing the dread Pac-Man and leering at girls.
  13. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Yeah, I got that. We all got that. It's the "Wholesome Country Lifestyle" terminology that I find hilarious. Operating on the word 'Lifestyle'. I don't think a worms "Lifestyle" varies much from environment to environment
  14. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Wth is that supposed to mean??
  15. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    My pastor once bought chocolate covered crickets, and gave them to the kids at church, he didn't tell them what they were. Everybody loved them then he tell told everybody what they were then the girls started screaming.
  16. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    I mean, I'm not against eating bugs persay, but it would be the last thing I'd try.
  17. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    I concur with the above statement.
  18. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Start schlepping the contests...
  19. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    Dawg, did you see that I almost died at work last week?
  20. nuthatched

    Things you wish you could say

    That sounds like a horrible affliction.
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