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  1. Mason Farm and Ranch

    How Do You Deal With Failure?

    I'm thinking 18 mos. to 2 years. There are so many illnesses and treatments. Some stuff isn't medical, it's behavioral. Most recently, I was contemplating sending a very expensive rooster to freezer camp because he is overly aggressive towards another very docile rooster. I was researching...
  2. Mason Farm and Ranch

    How Do You Deal With Failure?

    TY. Once I got everything under control I got angry. I've been researching and working on writing a book. I figured out the problem, misinformation. Two more died before I realized the culprit and I lost one more to the treatment and two of my Silkie Roosters developed wryneck. It was...
  3. Mason Farm and Ranch

    How Do You Deal With Failure?

    This week has been hard on me and my flock. I went to a wedding out of town & when I came home the next day I found one of my favorite hens Desiree, dead in the coop. Apparently she had been eggbound with shellless eggs for a week. I panicked that I hadn't been attentive and inspected all my...
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