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  1. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    We have so much left that’s frozen. Bread, fritters, soup. What else do you recommend?
  2. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    That greenhouse looks great. We would love to have something for extending our seasons and hardening off seedlings. Best of luck with the setup! I hope it serves you well. Here’s what we got going in the garden: This year’s lineup : Sage Thyme Dill Oregano Spearmint Peppermint Horseradish...
  3. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    Sorry I’m so late! We have a standard Roma type, cherries, and yellow pear looking ones. Last year we had a beefsteak variety, I think it was all from Baker Creek. I think they were Amish Paste, Brandywine, cherries I couldn’t tell you, and the little yellow ones are Yellow Pear? We had a...
  4. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    We had some ground cherries thinking they would be like tomatillos, or were tomatillos. We got a million little fruits that would’ve been perfect for jams or anything you might dump sugar into. Else I just would pick them off the plants and pop them into my mouth. This year we’re focusing on...
  5. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    Those tomatoes look great! Thanks for the recommendation. Where are you living that the growing season is so short? We’re in Montana and experience late/early frosts pretty often. Also long cool springs with rain, then no rain for most of the summer. Fall is quite short.
  6. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    thanks for the replies everyone. Anyone with experience keeping a bee swarm/hive? I am less interested in the honey and more in their ability to pollenate. I’ll look up the recommended tomato varieties listed above. Thanks!
  7. C

    Seed selection and garden plans for 2023

    With winter going on, I’ve been leafing through seed catalogs and websites looking for interesting things to grow this year. Our tomato’s did well this year, and the beefsteak variety we had made preserving fairly easy. (Meaty, skin came off easily after blanching, etc) We do a lot of Roma’s...
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