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  1. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I made this mistake in the past when the store was out of the mix I usually buy. I won't do that again. If you still have any of this mix left and want to use it up for seed starting I would sift it. If you add in some perlite it will help lighten the mix further. If I were going to use it in...
  2. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I have one I use for gathering up leaves. I lay it flat on the ground and rake the leaves up in it. Then gather up the edges of the sheet to dump them in the chicken run, garden or compost pile.
  3. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I have not seen these. Interesting. After you use them a bit I would love your opinion.
  4. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?'m not the only one! :lol: I have long hair. I want all the shampoo and conditioner I paid for. The length of that straw is a conspiracy, I tell you! That almost empty bottle drives my DH insane! I put the new one out. I told him to use it. He doesn't mess with my almost...
  5. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    Oh yes hubby knows to add what he needs to the list. If it's not written down I will forget something. :lol: I think less trips to the store is also being more frugal with my time too. I really hate to shop! I'd rather be at home doing any thing other than shopping!
  6. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I do this too. With grocery prices like they are I try to keep extra of the things we use often. By buying things on sale I spend less over all. I hardly ever have to go to town for just one item anymore. I keep a list in the kitchen I add to as 'use often' items get low. Less trips to the...
  7. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    @canne50 Loved hearing your story. Made me think of things my grandmother told me. I have a box of old photos that belonged to her. One of the things she put in there long ago was a few of those WW2 rationing stamps. Funny the things that get saved over time.
  8. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    If you water bath pickles they will last a year or more. So when you have lots of cucumbers you can make a bunch. Water from the cucumbers dilute the brine. For refrigerator pickles sometimes I'll reuse 1 time. If I water bath for longer term storage I do not reuse. You can use apple...
  9. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I agree! What are those tiny dang pockets for anyway? A waste! A bit more fabric would make REAL pockets!
  10. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I have seen fungus gnats from store bought mixes too. Some stores here have the large bags outside and they get wet. This I believe is the cause. So I find I have to be careful of them either way. Ahh, shorts weather here until this last (I hope) cool spell. Supposed to be back in the 80's...
  11. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    If I have to take something apart to clean or repair it I like to have small containers to put all the screws or small parts in. Then when I put it back together I'm not looking around for the last screw. Those containers would work great for that too.
  12. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    Those LED shop lights should work fine. I used under the cabinet (for kitchens) fluorescents for years. I liked them because they were made to link together and were cheap. I needed to replace a few old ones this year. When I went shopping all I could get was LEDs. The shop type and under...
  13. NanaK

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    YES! Good call! Oh, yes! Our local Lowes calls it the reject or discounted pile. Ours too. :hmm
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