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  1. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    I woke up this morning and saw all the other 4 eggs have external pips!! :wee:celebrate A broody hen definitely knows her job!!! I put food near the nest but the mother wasn't interested so much. She did drink though. Then I tried to give her some sweet corn which she really loves sinces she...
  2. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Update It hatched!!! Thank you all for your help :) Now, 4 eggs are left, so the mother is still sitting - should I feed her in the nest while she is waiting for the others to hatch?? I know that its not a good idea because of the poop but... she has to eat and drink at least a small...
  3. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Update! She left the nest for about 20 minutes, and I saw that one of the eggs has an external pip!!! Now she is back again :) How long will it take to hatch?? Im so excited!!!!
  4. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Thank you!! :) I hope she won't leave the nest today... Yesterday she left twice for about 30 mins each time... I hope she stays
  5. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    I candled one of the eggs today and saw movement! Though I don't think I saw that the air sac was "punctured". Normal? Perhaps they need a few more hours?
  6. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Thank you Can the eggs pip/hatch tomorrow even if the chicks havent chirpped yet? I mean is chirping a must before piping/hatching?
  7. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    She laid about 9 eggs and then went broody. 4 of them were not fertile so I removed. So in a way.. yes.. these are her first
  8. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    She was about 5 months old.. now she is about 6 months
  9. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    The nest is about 10 second of walking from the house...
  10. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Thank you :) It wouldn't harm them if I candle now, right? And should I put them back on the same position they were when I took them? I'll have to take them home to candle when she is on her break. Is that ok?
  11. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    I know that they always say that no worries should be if there is a broody hen who knows best. But I'm worried anyway since it's almost day 19 already, and the eggs are very small ...
  12. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    5 eggs. All had movement and veins on day 16 when candled... Should I try to candle again now? We are getting closer to day 19....
  13. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Yes, I candled them on day 16 and saw veins and movement...
  14. Johnchickens2

    Serama eggs day 18 - under a broody, no peeping..

    Hi there :) Its day 18 of my serama eggs under a broody (their own mother)... Today when she took her break I gently tapped the eggs next to my ear but heard nothing inside. Is it too early to worry? I have been told that serama hatch on day 18-19 ... In about 7 hours - day 19 will start...
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