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  1. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Eat some marshmallows. You will run around like a maniac for 15 minutes and then crash. 😂
  2. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    No! Bad Hayden!
  3. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    And every time it happens, you are determined to sleep longer. The kick in the pants is that if you just got up to empty your bladder when you thought you had to go, you would have gotten much better sleep. 😂
  4. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I meant weed. My vape is my nicotine, and it tastes like a smoothie. Dangerous stuff. 🤣 I LOVE raw honey! I like to stock up on it at farmer's markets and use it to make my sweet pear soup. 🤤
  5. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I told myself that I am not going to smoke my funny cigarettes for 1 week, Sunday to Sunday. And let me tell you, I have not been able to sleep without horrible back and stomach pain since Saturday night. 😩
  6. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I just stepped outside and I swear I thought this Bigfoot-looking silhouette was a bear. 😂 I think I need more sleep. 🥴
  7. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    So, this is how I am spending my surprise day off: 🤣🖍️🎄
  8. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Well, we were going to go into work today, but on the way in we hit something with the car and now we are afraid to drive it. There was a puddle when we pulled out of our pull-over spot, so we are trying to figure out what happened. 😳👀
  9. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I still do not know what happened to her "clothes"! I walked in and she was in her "altogether" sitting in their water dish. 😬 Maybe she is drunk? 🤔
  10. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    My chickens best stop being afraid of their new heated water bowl and use the damn thing, or I swear I am going to eat them. Those things are not cheap, and I do not make much! 😑 I should start a venting thread. Are there venting threads on here already? 🤔
  11. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Now all I see is a damn dog! :barnie
  12. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    At work right now. I do not know why, but this scene just makes me sad. The "keeping a lonely vigil" feel just...yeah. 😢
  13. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Have you tried meditation? Qi Gong? Tai Chi? All three are meant to quiet your mind and ease your body. 🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️
  14. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Thank you. ❤️ At this moment, it is pissing me off. I missed a virtual concert with my friend earlier because I was nauseous and I kept falling asleep. 😣
  15. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I got it the first time around this time last year. The first time, I merely felt a bit 'off'. This time it is completely flooring me. I do not have a cough, thank the stars. It is acting like a stomach flu with some other symptoms. The fatigue and headaches are the absolute worst part. 😩
  16. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Several members of my family now have Covid. 🤢🤮🥵🥶🤕😴
  17. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    I am not watching that. 🙈
  18. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Apparently you were. I know that I passed out before 9:30, but I also knew that I had to wake up at 5am. 😅
  19. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Nah. They can have him.
  20. KayisforKale

    Night Owls and Insomniacs

    Yeah, this is pretty new for me. I used to be able to get between 6-10, depending on weather, pain, health, and chores.
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