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  1. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Spuds Mckenzie shirts and tight rolled 501's
  2. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I remember in the fire department each truck had a nextel in addition to the regular 800 band radios. During the big anthrax scare whenever that was (sometime around 9-11 if i recall right, I was on a hazmat unit and we were getting so many calls about "anthrax" our district chief made us and...
  3. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    It's been interesting and I don't regret any of it. Although I do think sometimes if I were to have stayed in the fire service I would have retired with 30 years in this year but still don't regret the ride, it was and still is pretty cool. I consider myself a self learner always reading and...
  4. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    without going into too much detail I dropped out of high-school, at 18 joined a volunteer fire department then about a year later they wanted me full time but the offer was we'll hire you but you have to get your ged within 6 months. Well I just went and challenged the test cause I didn't want...
  5. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    It's what society wants you to believe. And as a cost now student debt is out of control like the government dept. I personally know a few that went to college and paying back student loans cause thier parents couldn't pay for it and not doing what they went for. The skilled trades are in high...
  6. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    It's very not necessary to have a college degree.
  7. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Cassette collector here, I have several thousand music cassettes. Mostly I collect the cassingles from late 80s to mid 90s. Something about analog music.
  8. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Now the trailer is awesome
  9. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Wow can it be any uglier? I don't think it's possible
  10. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I couldn't agree more I see it soo often today, heck I see it here on this website.
  11. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

  12. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

  13. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Get your car stolen they may be out the same day could be the next. With an average of about 20 vehicles stolen a day you're not high on their list of priorities.
  14. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Hold up! When do the police get there?!?!? 48, 72hrs after.
  15. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I definitely would not want to have to rely on public transportation for all my needs
  16. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Makes for big problems during hurricane season too. Until I worked in a big city it didn't occur to me how many people didn't have a vehicle. Some have scooters or bicycles. That's thier life they stay within riding distance. Everything is right there where they live.
  17. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    My wife's current vehicle came with run flats. I've never had any but will always have them atleast on her car. Those tires have gotten her home multiple times. Times that regular tires would have had her on the side of the road
  18. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I sometimes think of what the developer thought when they developed a few rolls I dared drop off lol. We were voyeuristic before voyeurism was cool
  19. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I had butter sandwiches, sugar milk and bologna sandwiches when I was a kid. I'm now a genius. My mom was too, she'd fry all of us porkchops then trim the fat and eat the fat
  20. sdm111

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I worked in the jewelry section back in the day. Got my fondness of double breasted suits there.
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