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  1. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    WOW! That's some beautiful black gold. This fall I am going to rototill my garden area and hopefully I can get it completely fenced and I will be locked, loaded and ready to plant my spring garden.
  2. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    The worm towers seem to be an amazing idea. It seems as though it would cut down on trying to figure out if they are getting enough food or too much food. I tried doing a worm composting system and yeah no it didn't work. It's a lot of work to make it work out for what it is needed for. I...
  3. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    Gtaus that was very interesting and informative. I have decided to use pots this year and hopefully next year I can get what I need to make raised hugekulture beds. Thank you for sharing.
  4. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I'm good when it's a basically a mandatory deal but painted wood is just yucky.
  5. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I have a 8 ×10 garden shed that I won't go in until the weather gets better. The electric bills in California are ridiculous. The so called garage we have is so about to fall apart. No window but a huge hole where there should be one. Holes in the roof bc they used metal roofing that has holes...
  6. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    It's sort of a sitting bench but I don't really care for it because seriously who puts paint on wood. No I don't like painted wood. I'm just trying to get some ideas together so that I can get started on the garden ASAP. I'm really ready to get rid of the yucky weather and there's more rain...
  7. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    As soon as the weather is good I will try to get all of the materials pulled out and place them so that everyone can see what I have to work with and then maybe make some sort of drawing or something and help me figure out the best way to make a good choice for the garden area.
  8. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I have a pallet bench. I will have to sand it down to remove the paint from it but it just might be worth trying. I also have some bed frames that might be of use just have to sand them down as well but it may very well work and at the same time give me a really cute garden.
  9. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    You can use them as an herb for seasoning foods or stuffing. I'm going to be using them for anything cooking.
  10. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    The greens from carrots are edible and they taste delicious. I'm going to be dehydrating some for winter. Fresh is preferred but if I can dehydrate them then so be it.
  11. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I have to put carrots in a bed because the ground has an excessive amount of rocks in it.
  12. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I would like to try growing rice and oats and wheat but it's just not in the cards right now but someday hopefully.
  13. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I plan on doing both. Raised beds and in ground. I'm doing in ground for my squash, green beans, peas, potatoes and luffa. For my tomatoes, peppers, greens and carrots I will do raised beds. I'm also going to try raised stairstep beds for my herbs. The herbs are what I want to dehydrate. My...
  14. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I just purchased a small electric tiller/cultivator for my garden. I have big plans for taking over most of the backyard for my garden. I want to have so many vegetables this year for canning, dehydrating and freezing. I just hope I can get everything done.
  15. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    Watermelon loves sandy soil.
  16. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I'm happy that you started this post. It's been giving me a lot of ideas that I probably wouldn't have thought of on my own. Trying to figure out better ways to garden and grow more of my own food is my #1 goal. The picture of the wood keyhole garden bed that's one I believe I will do. Thank you
  17. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    None of the scraps are painted stained or covered in chemicals. I wouldn't think of using such yuck in the garden.
  18. akroberts1085

    Hügelkultur Raised Beds

    I'm going to try to hugelkultur my bed I am going to make with my rocks. I'm also going to make some raised beds out of wood scraps from the remodeling and then hopefully it will just be a case of plant it and done. Thank you for sharing this. I will be referring to the videos in this thread.
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