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  1. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    Of course no 2 people are alike, that's a given. And certainly adults, are allowed to make decisions regarding their medical treatment or lack there of, IMHO that is their right. If someone prefers to sit in bed, rocking back and forth and crying in pain all night, that is their right. But...
  2. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    Levophed, leave them dead?
  3. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    There may come a time in the future when you may need morphine for medical purposes. If used for it's intended purpose, the odds of being addicted are slim to none. When you take enough to make you feel a high, or take it for reasons other than pain, then you are flirting with danger.
  4. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    So, now I guess I owe a story. :oops: Long ago and far away, I worked ICU in a level 1 trauma center, I always asked to care for the incarcerated people, because I never had a problem with them. I firmly believe it was because I treated them no differently than anyother patient I cared...
  5. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    @azurbanclucker Thank you.
  6. Ursuline Chick

    Nurses Post

    You must be sure there is no way the information given, can call attention to who the patient may have been.
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