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  1. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    The all white fibro chick. Pretty freaky. I’m hoping it’s a pullet, but I have a feeling it’s a cockerel. Any guesses?
  2. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I would like another BCM rooster, but I don’t think I’ll be able to keep 2 roosters. The one I have now is not perfect, but he is tolerable. The crowing is usually around 6 am til 630 then stops for awhile and doesn’t crow but maybe every hour or so. The other BCM was crowing about every 2...
  3. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    That’s exciting in the shipped eggs. Those are the BBS marans? Here’s a pic of the chicks right now taking a siesta inside their large chicken wire playpen. I have to keep them in here for the majority of the day and then let them free range for 2-3 hrs in the evening. The dog can only protect...
  4. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks for asking. The 19 has unfortunately gone down to 14. I lost 4 about 3 weeks ago and then another 1 last week. I never saw what happened to any of them. They have been slipping through the chain link and getting into the alley and I think are getting snatched by neighbors’ free ranging...
  5. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    She has recovered completely. I had to keep her penned up in a dog kennel for almost a week and put neosporin on the wounds daily. I did give her sardines as well as scrambled eggs. The first day I let her back out the cockerel mounted her and tore open her wounds, but I kept treating her and...
  6. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Here’s a pic of the black fibro chick. I think the first one is all black. The others have some gray feathers or pink toes. The last one is a BCM. Unfortunately I lost one BCM chick and the gray chick from the gold colored moss egg. I’m really not sure what happened. I’m guessing it got into the...
  7. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I’ve been letting the week old chicks free range with the main flock. Surprisingly the whiting true blues didn’t react at all to the chicks and just walk around with them. The marans get a little territorial and have pecked a few, but I try to moderate the confrontations. The rooster is doing...
  8. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Here’s a small video showing off the new chicks running free.
  9. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    No, I didn’t take like that. It’s been a peeve of mine that they are going over the fence where I can’t protect them. I haven't totally decided how, but I need to make a large enclosure so I can leave for a few days and not worry about them being attacked. I’m probably going to get a 100’ roll...
  10. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I’m slowing working towards building a safer enclosure for all of them.
  11. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I told the owner that he needs to keep him inside his yard. His fence was all full of holes. He was apologetic and willing to pay for damages. My wife took that picture after she tracked the dog back to the house. The dog looks just like one of mine so I bet the pullet didn’t even react as it...
  12. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks @wrathsfarm I was surprised she was alive. This was the culprit. She gets visiting time from her sisters
  13. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    one of the whiting true blues got attacked by a loose dog a couple days ago. She was out of the yard and a stray mutt grabbed her. My wife tracked down the dog about 200 yards away by following all of the feathers. She recovered the pullet and brought it home. There was some bad wounds in her...
  14. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I’m not 100% sure what constitutes a fibro? Can they have green legs and white feathers? My notes say there was 3 black chicks with black skin. Some of those have some gray feathers on the underside. There is one that is black all the way to the tips of its toes. There’s one yellow one that has...
  15. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks! It feels good being able to go full cycle and hatch eggs from chickens that I raised from egg. I'm sure hatching and brooding for the first week or two in the house imprints on them. We have a whiting true blue pullet that is extremely tame and will come to the door and I will let her in...
  16. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    The cute chick with all the facial markings came out of a very large pink egg. The first yellow chick pic has dark skin, green legs. It came from an olive egg. The Marans are very active and bouncy. I didn’t get any pics yet of the all black fibros.
  17. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I had 5 eggs that didn’t hatch. I did an eggtopsy on them. 3 were fully developed but never internally pipped through to the air space and the membrane had tightened around them. 2 looked like they quit developing towards the end. So the final number is 19 healthy chicks out of 25 eggs set. So...
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