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  1. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    It's a hard choice, but you did the right thing. Ours is in the freezer awaiting the right day to join us for dinner. I have several of his sons, since the hens were black Australorp and Barred Rock they are mostly solid black but I have noticed 1 is getting barring and another has some...
  2. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    We have 10 of his chicks developing, due to hatch next weekend, and another dozen i just set this past Saturday, were hoping for something equally beautiful but much more tempered to hatch.
  3. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    Yeah, looks about like my rooster's, poor guys were all jacked up on hormones!
  4. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    "Some just take extra seasoning and steam pressure" 🤣 well stated. I'll be testing this method out in the next few weeks.
  5. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    I guess I have to add, I never wanted a rooster, he was a "pullet" EE from the feed store. Hubby was the only guy on the whole property surrounded by female everything, so he took to this darn rooster so we kept him. We had him in a big bachelor coop for over a year, but I got new layers last...
  6. 2ndTink

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    I have a bad one currently, due to coop space constraints we had him loose in the yard all fall and winter. He'd hunt me down, come across the yard if he heard me come out of the house. He's spurred me a few times, this last time was mid January and I've still got scars on my leg. I ended up...
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