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  1. goats-n-oats

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    I wonder if you went above your city council to your state representative for help. On a parallel note, the State of Ohio legislature ruled last year that homeowners are allowed to rent out space for short term lodging (like Airbnb), and the ruling stated that this decision overrules any city or...
  2. goats-n-oats

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    You need to push back on these little tyrants. Where is the city lawbooks does it specificity say you are not allowed to keep quail? It's none of the city's business which caged domestic animals you keep inside your home. I call BS on this inspector. Download the city's ordinances and read...
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