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  1. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    I decided I am not going to adopt that dog or any dog for a while. I had just lost my beloved Sammy to liver cancer. He showed no symptoms until the end, and then he was gone in two weeks. It was rash and impulsive of me to even attempt to get another dog so soon after his passing. Chiklet, the...
  2. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    I am told he is affectionate and a bit clingy. He is afraid of dogs that are bigger than he is. He has issues with grooming as well as the leash. The good news is he is susceptible to bribes. I plan to exploit that.
  3. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    Those are very good suggestions. At this point I don't know if he is afraid of the leash itself or of just being leashed. I will have to ask the foster for more details.
  4. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    This is a little dog. He is under eight pounds. I will not be taking him outside on a leash until he can tolerate it without going berserk. He is currently at a rescue and much about his former life is simply unknown. I have a harness that fits like a vest. I will have that put on him when I...
  5. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    I am looking for advice from a dog trainer. I am considering adopting a small dog. I am told he has a severe leash phobia. Obviously, he has to get over this and be leash trained. I am not sure how to proceed. I was thinking about snapping a leash on his harness and letting him drag it around...
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