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  1. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Our German Shepherd does the same thing! 😂 They just get so excited.
  2. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! He’s very confident with sit and touch. He understands stay… just need him to be patient 😅 He isn’t as confident with down. He likes to go halfway, and it confuses him when I don’t reward it. He’s done it before so he knows “ down. “ I think after he understands I’m consistently...
  3. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! I don’t necessarily want him to run up to anybody, but I would prefer him be okay with anyone petting him- sorta have a “ I don’t care “ attitude. Eventually, I would like to train him into a therapy dog- that wouldn’t be for several years now, but I understand that his socialization...
  4. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    He is five months old. He will be six months in two weeks. Yes, that might be better. I could say “ He isn’t comfortable around strangers. “ or “ He doesn’t like strangers petting him. “
  5. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! Yes, I wouldn’t want to have to put my dog down because of somebody rushing up to him. I’ll be more stern with people. He doesn’t mind if people talk to him and slowly walk up to him, but it is very jarring to have someone suddenly come up to him/start roughing up the fur around his...
  6. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! I could see into getting him some kind of “ Do Not Pet “ harness. Okay, thanks!
  7. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you 😊 I’ll take him out to get him socialized, but instead of letting people pet him, I’ll say no. You’re right- that would take pressure away from him. I’ve had two people be annoyingly persistent wanting to pet him- usually if he appears calm/just taking everything in, I let people pet...
  8. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    I understand what you’re saying about the liability issue. I wonder if it is a leash only issue because when he is off the leash he does better 🤔 He’s reserved, but he acts much calmer. I’ve noticed when walking him if we either say hello to people passing by or if they say hello to us, then he...
  9. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! That is so awesome what all you have done with your dog! When my Sheltie is a little older, I’d really like to get him involved in some sort of agility training. He’s fast, agile, and loves to jump over anything. Sometimes he jumps over air just for the heck of it 😂 Yes, he...
  10. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    We have a German Shepherd that is very reactive on a leash- attacked by some dog. Owner refused to realize the fact that his dog was aggressive. She was on a leash when attached. Our German Shepherd did not like men or people wearing hats for quite awhile. She is older now… seven years, but she...
  11. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you! Yes, he does better on walks when he is worn out/familiar with the place. He gets more stressed walking on a leash than he does if we are holding him or in a store. It probably is because it is more overstimulating with all those smells. No, he has not been to obedience training. I...
  12. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    Thank you!! Yes, he did better on the trail today. It was his second time going on it, and also there were less people.
  13. TheyBeChillin

    Shy Puppy?

    I’m here about my Sheltie again 😅 So, I know you have to socialize shelties because they are shy dogs. We have taken him in some stores, had him meet all my family members, have had him visit in a nursing home ( visiting family and had to bring him with us ), and have had him taken on walks on...
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