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  1. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    I'm so sorry Elfen. I'm sure Dolly is quite distressed as well. Do you have any other chicks you can give her, or will she have to break?
  2. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Hopefully they're all OK in there :fl
  3. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Yes. It'll be fine
  4. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Not more than say 2 hours. That girl shouldn't be sitting, unless she commits more
  5. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    No, size isn't really what makes or breaks the deal. It's maturity. At 1 week, they are far too active to tolerate being under a broody that hasn't left the nest. After the chicks hatch, (or newly hatched chicks are placed under a broody) the broody takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a...
  6. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    OK. Candle the Parton eggs, and go from there
  7. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Just to clear a few things up. You're thinking oh giving her the serama chicks now, not in a week, right? If so, yes, she might accept them. Unfortunately you won't know for sure until you try it. Size isn't likely to be the reason she rejects them
  8. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    It's really up to you. I'd say let Dolly continue brooding on her eggs. She's a first timer, so best let her have a smooth transition into it. If her eggs aren't viable, then serama chicks it is!
  9. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    It depends on what you'd prefer. You can let Dolly raise her chicks up with the rest of the birds around, or you can separate them. If any of the birds start being overly aggressive, you should separate. A few picks here and there are to be expected, IME
  10. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    If she decides she accepts the chicks, then no. She should leave the eggs. If she rejects the chicks, she'd continue brooding the eggs
  11. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs
  12. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    How long has she been broody?
  13. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Congrats on all those little lovelies!
  14. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    It ranges from day 17 to 18, depending on aircell development. Sometimes even more, or less
  15. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Number three singing the song of its people, giving encouragement to your serama peeps
  16. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Omg, I completely lost this thread. Can I have 13? Name is Chicken little :p
  17. fluffycrow

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Me too! Go little serama peeps!
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